Night Fae (Dark Fae Kings #3) - Meg Xuemei X. Page 0,8

owned the court power. From the astounded expressions passing over the Fae kings’ faces, I surmised that they hadn’t expected her to be this powerful outside faerie.

Cold dread gathered in my belly like lead. What would my brother’s fate be if we couldn’t defeat Brigantia?

My throat closed in panic.

“Easy, babe,” Baron mouthed, his eyes burning with the fire of the desert sun.

Then he flicked his wrist and struck.

The Summer and Dawn courts were both Seelie courts, and both courts carried similar powers of light. Baron’s golden light spread to every corner of the room, canceling out the suffocating dawn light. It was interesting to see that Baron could counter the powers of all the other courts. I had expected Rydstrom to use his nocturnal power to shield everyone from the Dawn light, as he’d done in his club when the Dawn knights trespassed at Claws, Fangs, and Fiends.

The Night King was probably waiting for his turn to shine later.

Air returned, and I drew it in greedily, like everyone else. Only the Fae kings and Director Northton hadn’t succumbed to my sister’s power. For a breath, I felt both embarrassed and stupid for falling under the influence of the usurper’s power, but then I wasn’t in the big leagues yet, at least not before my Turning, when my true power could finally be unleashed.

The Director of the Silver Circle watched the last swirl of golden sunlight vanish at the command of the Summer King.

“I believe everyone agreed to the ‘No Magic’ rule during the peace talk,” Northton sighed, “but obviously, I overestimated everyone’s ability to stick to the rules. So, my good faith ends right here. I’ll raise the ward and make this hall a null zone.” His eyes glowed as he ordered, “War mages, raise the shield!”

The mages started to recite and cast spells into the air. Northton led the chanting, and a glowing silver circle shot out from his fingers. The circle rippled forward and expanded until it was joined by other smaller silver circles generated by the collective mages. All the circles then wove into a shimmering dome and covered the hall.

When the vast shimmer turned invisible, Northton declared, “It’s done.”

Brigantia thinned her lips, but she waved a hand for her guards to back off. She might be the ultimate ruler in her court, but this was the headquarters of the mages in the mortal world.

“Let’s pay respect to the Silver Circle, our host,” she said with a tight smile. “Knight Wendell, Knight Seawall, and Mage Sinn, you three come with me.”

Three big males stepped out from their ranks while the rest of the Dawn guards retreated. They’d be waiting right outside the hall. If a battle ensued, the mages by the door would be the first defense line.

Worry bubbled up in my mind. I hoped there were enough mages to counter the hostile force. But that was a worry for later.

I fixed my attention on the dark mage who strutted along with the queen’s other two guards. Brigantia called him Mage Sinn. He had mean eyes, dark beer-colored eyebrows, and a hooked nose. His nutmeg hair was tied at the base of his skull.

He didn’t wear a trench coat, unlike the light mages, but he had a jacket that probably concealed nasty potions and spells. I made a mental note to keep an eye on him and find a chance to kill him. Brigantia had sent dark mages to hunt me, along with a host of demonca and a troll. My kings and I had slain some mages, but not all of them. In the last battle, a team of dark mages had helped the darkfae bring down K, a bear shifter, and the demonca had eaten his face. I had yet to avenge him.

By bringing a dark mage who was marked by the light mages as an enemy into the headquarters of the Silver Circle, Brigantia was here to stir up shit.

Northton’s expression darkened, hard lines marring his face, and his war mages all looked angry as well as Sinn swaggered in their territory.

“You brought a dark mage into my Silver Circle, Queen Brigantia?” Northton asked.

“Oh, don’t be petty, Director Northton,” Brigantia said with a smirk, as if she were at a picnic. “This isn’t the time for that, is it? As this Summit in the mortal realm is called the Peace Summit, we should all get along. Mage Sinn is the head of the Black Circle, as opposed to the Silver Circle. And who is Copyright 2016 - 2024