Night Fae (Dark Fae Kings #3) - Meg Xuemei X. Page 0,76

the wind take my scent to my mates. It hit them just as I’d wanted and expected.

The Fae kings sniffed like large cats and inhaled deeply, as if my scent was catnip to them, even on the battlefield. Their eyes brightened—the Summer King beamed golden sunshine and the Night King spilled midnight starlight.

My heart stuttered, my breathing hitched, and liquid flame licked my tender flesh as I watched deep, white-hot desire seize my mates, obliterating their bloodlust.

I grinned. I wasn’t too bad at this art of seduction after all.

Rydstrom snarled, “Mine.”

“My mate!” Baron roared.

They were both unhinged and overly possessive, which was fine with me under the circumstances.

“When I come in you, mate, you’ll scream my name,” Baron declared.

Well, that was going a bit too far.

“You don’t just say it out loud like that, Baron,” I hissed, my face burning. “We have an audience. There are children present.”

Well, my brother was underage.

“I’m not ashamed of claiming my mate,” Baron insisted as he pulled me into his arms, lifting me. I wrapped my legs around his waist despite our argument. “I’ll claim you over and over, as is my right—”

What a barbarian!

Just then, Richie scurried toward me, lust dominating his eyes.

Shit. I’d totally forgotten about him as I focused on luring my mates to counter their bloodlust. My Fae pheromones were too much for an immortal, let alone a mortal male.

Rydstrom grabbed Richie’s throat before he could venture further, and Richie struggled and gagged in the iron grip of the Night King.

“This human male desires our mate,” Rydstrom growled. “I’ll wring his head off.”

I’d seen how the Night King could tear his opponent’s head off their neck with his bare hands.

“Ryds, don’t!” I shouted. “Please don’t!”

“Tear his head off!” Baron disagreed. “No one touches our mate.”

Fear clouded Richie’s eyes like gray fog. The dude really hadn’t had a good time ever since he’d decided to come to California to hook up with me.

“Ryds, let him go!” I said, ready to roll off Baron, but he wouldn’t let me go. “He’s a member of my team, and I promised to protect them all.”

I was careful not to mention that Richie was my ex-boyfriend from college. It wouldn’t do any good to complicate the situation. Baron, the least logical of my mates, might just kill Richie with one strike.

“Unless you’re so determined to make your mate break her promise,” I shouted in a hurry. “In that case, you can look forward to sleeping alone for the next few years. That’s how long my anger will last. It isn’t that boy’s fault that he came at me. I was trying to seduce you, and he got caught in the crossfire since my scent proved to be too much for him.”

“You seduced us well, little mate,” Baron said approvingly. “You’re a natural.”

I waved a hand, my face flaming. “That’s not the point!”

“Rydstrom,” Baron said with a smile. “Let the human go.”

“Watch your tone, Baron,” Rydstrom hissed. “You often forget your place.”

I wanted to rub my temples at my mates’ constant bickering with each other.

“They’re so romantic,” Jill said dreamily, not caring that Richie had almost got himself killed by the Fae.

“I so dig alpha males.” Megan licked her lips with a besotted smile.

I’d have to help them detoxify from the Fae’s presence. But when I glanced at my mates, I was also smitten all over again—my pulse spiked, my blood raced, and my face flushed.

I believed that my mates were worth all the trouble until I saw Rydstrom fling Richie into the cave as if he weighed nothing. I didn’t think Richie would appreciate being tossed like a doll, but there was nothing he could do. I shook my head at the Night King’s bad behavior, but at least Richie was still alive.

Maybe I shouldn’t ask too much after all they’d been through?

“My mate’s human team,” Rydstrom called menacingly. “You’ll all stay in the cave for the time being unless I announce otherwise. Don’t come out, no matter what you hear or see, or you’ll suffer grave consequences.”

All Fae were good at threats.

Megan and Jill gazed up at him like idiots, drinking in his deep, rich voice.

“Get on with it now!” Rydstrom grumbled. “We have no time to waste.”

The group rushed into the cave as my kings prepared for the mating ritual in the clearing.

Heat gathered in my belly before swirling down, liquid flame licking my pussy in a slow-burning act of torture.

Chapter 23

“Dangerous talk, Baron,” I purred as he made all sorts of demands Copyright 2016 - 2024