Night Fae (Dark Fae Kings #3) - Meg Xuemei X. Page 0,56

a cold smile, faster than they could blink.

My Fae saber hit their weapons hard, and the humans dropped them, unable to handle the impact. A dude who had bad punk rocker hair dove for his machete on the ground, not giving up, and I booted him in the face, sending him flying backward nine yards, where he crashed into the hard dirt.

“Ouch,” I said.

Megan called in appreciation, “That’s amazing, Evie girl! I’m proud of you.”

I beamed at her, ego boosted. “I practiced a lot with the Fae knights.” Then I tilted my head and regarded my opponents. “Who wants more?”

“You cheated!” Hawaiian Shirt accused.

Jill rolled her eyes through her glasses. “Just man up and admit that you were beaten by a girl.”

“I demand a hand-to-hand battle,” Goatee said. “If you win, we’ll let you go.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Let me go? You still think you can do that?”

He was working on an angle by requesting non-weapon combat since I’d disarmed all of them. Some people always shamelessly took advantage of others and never knew when to back off.

It’d end up badly for those people.

“Didn’t you claim to be a badass?” Hawaiian Shirt sneered. “Are you afraid of a true duel?”

“As you wish,” I said, sheathing my blades. “What can I say? You’re very persuasive.”

Goatee and Hawaiian Shirt traded a look, as if they had some kind of guy code. I knew they’d coordinate and stab me in the back when they had an opening. They were the cheaters, and karma was coming for them.

“Charge her!” Goatee barked as soon as I was weaponless.

The rest of the gang threw their punches at me. A couple of them tried to show more style by adding kicks into the mix. One of them tried to mimic me and deliver an amateur roundhouse kick and failed. The mink-haired girl and the punk dude stood by, waiting to drag me down by my foot if I ever leapt.

I ducked my head and let a dude’s heavy punch slide by, and another guy drove his fist toward my ribs from my blind side. He made it, which knocked the wind out of me.

Anger erupted within me, and I wheeled around and kicked him in the chest, sending him crashing into a pine tree. He yelped in pain.

“Fun’s over, jerks,” I announced.

A heavy arm came toward me as the guy tried to grab my wrist. I pushed toward him, seizing his fingers and bending them backward. He screamed like a little boy, but I didn’t care. I wanted to hurt them now. I backhanded the punk dude and broke his jaw.

Punk stumbled back in a stupor and cried out in pain. I’d once criticized the Fae kings for their fondness of breaking things. It seemed that I’d just developed the same taste. Their brutal nature had started rubbing off on me, and I blamed these douches in front of me.

I swept my leg under a douche’s feet and dropped him.

“Sorry, ape. You won’t be getting that great opportunity you’ve been waiting for to sneak up on me and hit the back of my head,” I told him.

I couldn’t drop a Fae knight easily, but this bunch of untrained humans was a joke.

While I punched and dropped them, showing mercy, this gang still didn’t seem to get it or know when to quit. But then, they were just desperate.

Two guys and the mink-haired girl thrust their swords and knives toward me while I was speaking. None of them had the word “honor” in their vocabulary. They’d coordinated this betrayal of trust after they talked me into a hand-to-hand duel.

My team shouted out warnings, and Richie cursed angrily as he tried to run toward me. I darted between two guys to avoid their blades before they could catch up with me. One guy was unable to stop his momentum, and he lurched forward and buried his blade into the mink-haired girl’s middle as she tried to charge me with a machete, intent on cutting off my limb.

The girl’s eyes bulged in shock before she registered pain and terror, then she grabbed her stomach, fell to the ground in a fetal position, and screamed—though not before her machete sliced across the attacking guy’s thigh, which was also an accident.

Goatee threw a dagger at my throat while I was distracted by the grotesque sight of the sudden spurt of blood. I didn’t bother to duck. Instead, I caught the flying dagger three inches from my face. Goatee’s jaw dropped.

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