A Night of Dragon Wings - By Daniel Arenson Page 0,75

said through a mouthful of almonds. "It's good."

He looked over his shoulder at her… and the rest of the almonds fell from his gaping mouth. She stood naked before him, holding her cloak in one hand. Her body was tall, lithe, and tanned. She let the cloak drop and took a few steps toward him.

"Bayrin," she said softly. "Forget about your belly for now. Take me instead."

He sighed and rose to his feet. She took his hands and smiled at him, a smile that began seductively but ended trembling, and her eyes dampened.

"Piri!" he said and touched a tear on her cheek.

She placed her hands in his hair and kissed him deeply. Her lips were soft and full, and her tongue sought his, and her naked body pressed against him. For a moment Bayrin closed his eyes, overwhelmed with the warmth and softness of her.

Then he broke their kiss and looked aside.

"Piri, I can't," he whispered. "I'm sworn to another."

She touched his cheek, tears in her eyes. "I know, Bay. I miss Mori too. She was my princess and my friend. But… it's been moons now. We lost so many in Nova Vita. I loved Mori, but we have to move on; we have to realize she is gone. I am so sorry for your loss, Bay, but…" Her tears flowed. "But I love you. I need you now. I've loved you for years, Bayrin—since our first kiss four winters ago under the stars. You remember that night, don't you? Will you not return my love now, here, as the world burns?"

She tried to kiss his lips again, but he turned his head, and her kiss landed on his cheek.

"Bay," she whispered, held his head, and turned it toward her.

He stepped back and held her waist, keeping space between them. He stared into her eyes.

"Mori is still alive," he said, unable to keep anger away from his voice. "I know it. I can't betray her." His voice softened and he held her hands. "Stars, Piri, you are beautiful. You are kind and brave and you are…" He couldn't help but look down at her naked body, then up again, and a sigh fled his lips. "Stars, but you are perfect. But I can't. Not while there's still a chance Mori will return."

She nodded, tears on her cheeks, and closed her eyes.

"Then hold me one last time," she whispered. "Please, Bay. Hold me just once and hold me tight, because I'm so scared."

He held her close, his arms around her, and she laid her head upon his shoulder.

Behind her, a figure stepped into the pod. A voice rose, high and hesitant.


He looked over Piri's shoulder.

His breath died.

At the doorway, clad in a white cloak, stood Mori.


He flew across the temple ruins, roaring fire.

"Vir Requis!" he shouted. "Fall back to the main hall! Fall back! We gather in the Hall of Faces."

That hall, once the central temple of Bar Luan, rose at the back of the ruins. Over thousands of years, the rest of the complex had fallen to the encroaching forest; roots, trunks, and branches had gradually broken down Bar Luan's outer walls, smaller homes, and statues. The great Hall of Faces, however, still stood. Its walls were pockmarked and green with moss. The great stone faces upon those walls, each as large as a dragon, were smoothed with countless winters of rain and snow. Holes gaped open in the walls, punched by tree roots or the slow pummeling of the years.

Today fire blasted from those holes, burning the spawn of nephilim. Some dragons hid inside that great hall; there was safety there, Elethor thought. But many Vir Requis—hundreds of them, perhaps—still hid across the rest of the complex. These ones crouched in human forms. They hid under fallen statues, inside the small stone homes of ancient monks, or in tunnels that had once led to cellars. These hideouts had protected them from the fully grown nephilim; those beasts were too large to enter burrows where humans could fit. Now, as Elethor flew above the ruins, the spawn of nephilim scuttled across the ruins like cockroaches, entering every hollow and hole and feasting upon what flesh they found. Hundreds swarmed.

Three nephilim took flight from a craggy wall and flapped toward him. Their claws reached out, and their teeth snapped. Elethor doused them with fire. More nephilim soared from the ruins below and crashed into him. Elethor swiped his tail and crushed one's head. Another clawed his legs, and Elethor howled and

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