Next Man Up (Making the Score #2) - Tawdra Kandle Page 0,8

guessed—hoped—was passion. “Open a little wider and take . . . more.”

I nodded, which wasn’t easy in my current position. Holding onto the bottom of his shaft, I bent my neck, letting more of him fill my mouth. What I did next just came naturally; I bobbed my head, creating a sort of rhythm between my mouth and Eli’s length.

“That’s it,” he croaked. “Jesus, that’s it. Suck a little harder, baby. Just like that. God, yeah.”

I focused on my movements, hollowing out my cheeks when I lifted up and licking as I went down. To my amazement, he lengthened and hardened the more I worked him.

“Wait a minute.” If Eli had sounded turned on a few moments ago, now his voice growled with urgency. “Wait. Come here. Hold on.”

I paused, letting him out of my mouth with a pop of my lips. “Did I do something wrong?”

“No.” He was emphatic. “But I’m not sure you’re ready to swallow yet, baby. So c’mere. Up here.”

Feeling proudly accomplished, I crawled back to my spot in the pillows. Before I laid down, Eli passed me the bottle of liquor.

“Have a swig. Your mouth is probably dry.”

My forehead knit together. “Oh, I’m not sure I should.”

He laughed. “It’s not going to hurt you. Look, I’ll have some, too.” He took a long chug, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and passed the bottle to me.

I stared at it for a minute and then shrugged. “Just a little.” The glass rim was still warm and slightly moist from Eli’s mouth, and I savored that as I sipped. The rum burned more drinking it straight, and I shook my head, coughing as it hit me.

“That’s good.” He set the bottle back on the night table as I fell back into the pillows, closing my eyes. Everything felt good and easy now. The sounds from downstairs, the feel of the bed under my back, the cool of the air against my still-naked boobs . . . all of it was softer now, a little more removed. Nothing felt wrong.

Then Eli was kneeling between my legs. I gazed at him through half-opened eyelids, noting that he’d taken off his boxers, and now I was getting a good look not only at his bobbing penis but at the sac that hung beneath it. He had something in his hand—a small circle—and as I watched, he positioned it over himself and rolled on what I realized was a condom.

“Oh, a condom. Good.” I wasn’t sure exactly what I was saying, but I remembered from healthy class that condoms were something we were all supposed to use. “Smart thinking.”

I heard the humor in his tone. “Thanks. I think so, too.” He grasped the edges of my dress where it was still bunched around my waist and pulled, taking it down over my hips, where somehow, he managed to drag my panties down with it. Suddenly, I was naked on the bed . . . and so was Eli.

“Baby, I can’t wait to be inside you,” he was murmuring as he trailed kisses down my neck. “God, you’re so fucking hot.”

He reached between us and rubbed the head of his thing between my legs. Something stirred in me—it felt good, what he was doing—and then he was kissing my boobs, sucking my nipples, and that combination made me moan.

“I can’t wait anymore.” Eli shifted slightly. “Got to be in you now.”

The words didn’t register in my brain until the pain hit. And then everything assaulted me at once.

He wasn’t just rubbing against me anymore—he was thrusting into me. And my God, it hurt.

He didn’t notice, though, because his eyes were shut, his face rapt with concentration. “Jesus, you’re tight. God, you feel so good.” He pushed in further, and the stretching, burning sensation got worse. I wanted to wiggle away from him, push him off me or cry out, but the combination of the alcohol and the shock of what was happening combined to render me both paralyzed and silent.

“Yes.” He hissed the word, picking up speed as he pumped into me over and over. “Yes, oh, God, put your legs around . . . yes.”

I didn’t move, but I guessed that didn’t matter, because within a matter of seconds, Eli stopped moving, his entire body going stiff as he grunted. I could feel his spasms deep within me, and I watched his face as rapt pleasure filled it.

When he was done, he fell onto the bed next to Copyright 2016 - 2024