The Next Always - By Nora Roberts Page 0,100

he decided, and maybe stock up on the BenGay.

The brisk knock sounded just as he considered stretching out on the couch for five minutes. Telling himself to stop thinking like an old man, he opened the door.

Avery and Hope, arms loaded, breezed in and straight by him.

“Pretend we’re not here,” Avery advised as she marched back to his kitchen.


“Hi.” Clare paused long enough to offer him a kiss. “We’re just going to set up. It won’t take long.”

“Okay. Set up what?”

“This and that. Enough of this and too much of that for me to carry up by myself.”

“We’re invisible.” Avery cleared off the drop-leaf table he sometimes used for eating. “You can’t see us.”

Hope opened a white cloth, draped the table with a quick billow and snap while Avery pulled a corkscrew out of her pocket. She drew the cork on a bottle of cab, set it on a silver wine holder.

“I thought we’d have dinner in. I hope that’s okay.”

Baffled, Beckett followed Clare into the kitchen to watch her put a roasting pan in his oven. “You want to stay in?”

“Unless you hate the idea.”

“No, but—”

She wore a dress, short and slim in a dark, deep blue, and shiny red shoes with tall, skinny heels.

“You look great.” He caught the scent of something miraculous. “What’s in the oven?”

“Pot roast.”


Obviously pleased, she laughed. “I talked to your mother, and she said it was your favorite. Hopefully mine will measure up to hers.”

“You made pot roast?”

“And a few other things. If that wine’s breathed long enough, why don’t you pour us a glass. I have a little fussing to do yet in here.”

“Sure, I’m . . .” He trailed off when he saw a familiar shape on the counter. He stepped over, lifted the lid. “Apple pie? Are you kidding me? You baked a pie?”

“Also rumored to be a favorite. I like baking pies when I have time.”

“Clare, this must’ve taken you all day to put together. I didn’t expect—”

“Why?” She tipped her head at him. “Why shouldn’t you expect now and then. Isn’t that what you told me?”

“I guess I did. It’s just . . . wow.”

“You take me out. You take my kids out. You brought them dogs, and put in motion lights at my house. You give us all time and attention, Beckett. I wanted to give some back to you.”

It staggered him. It moved him. “I think this is the best thing anyone’s done for me in maybe ever.”

“I don’t know about ever, but I enjoyed doing it. How about that wine?”


He stepped out, saw that Hope and Avery had transformed his lowly drop leaf into a sparkling table for two, complete with candles and flowers. Music played quietly from his stereo.

He poured the wine, carried the glasses into the kitchen, where Clare put together a fancy tray of olives. “It looks pretty impressive out there. Are they really invisible, or did they leave?”

“It’s just you and me.” She took the glass, tapped it to his. “So, to just you and me for an evening.”

“I can’t think of better. Clare. Thanks.”

“Beckett.” She moved into his arms. “You’re welcome.”

She wouldn’t let him help, and he had to admit it felt damn good just to sit with her, talk over wine and fancy appetizers. He felt the burden and effort of the day slip away—and pure gratitude when they sat at the table and he took his first bite of her pot roast.

“It definitely measures up.”

“Your mother and I compared recipes. They were pretty close. I had to make it good,” she added, “so you wouldn’t be disappointed we weren’t going out.”

“Clare, I hauled half a ton of bathroom fixtures up those stairs today. By the time I got home I felt like an eighty-year-old man who got run over by a truck. Pot roast and apple pie at home? It’s like Christmas.”

“I heard you worked today. I thought you’d all take Saturday off.”

“Normally, but we wanted to get the fixtures up so the plumber can start Monday morning.”

“It’s getting more real, isn’t it? It’s not just a building, however beautiful. It’s form and function now, or coming to it. I remember when we put in the bookshelves, the counter, opening those first boxes of books. I remember that so well, that feeling of this is real now. This is actually a bookstore. Mine.”

“Most days there’s so much going on, so it’s get it done and think about what’s next. But yeah, there are days like this when it Copyright 2016 - 2024