A New Hope - Robyn Carr Page 0,48

the other room.

“He has the nerves. Come and soothe him, pupsik. He’s making me want a drink.”

Grace walked out to the great room where she noticed that Sam and Rick were sitting patiently on the sofa while Troy appeared to be pacing. When they saw her, they jumped to their feet.

“What in the world is the matter?” she asked him. “Are you having second thoughts?”

“Me? God, no! I just want to get this done before you come to your senses!”

“Well, I was all settled until I met your family and now...” She grinned at him. “I’m thinking I could be better off with young Sam.”

Sam grinned hugely. “Awesome.”

“Don’t even joke about that,” Troy said. “He has no morals.” Then he reached for her hand. “Come with me.” They walked outside onto the deck. Below them on the beach they could see the wedding activities—Carrie’s buffet tables, the bridal arch, people beginning to gather.

She smoothed his collar; he wore the shirt she had ordered for him, a black linen Tommy Bahama beachcomber style, a stark contrast to her white. He ran a finger around the low-cut cowl neck of the wedding gown. “You’re so beautiful,” he said. He pulled a box out of his pants pocket. “Let’s see if this works.”

He opened the box to her gaze, and she sighed. It was a beautiful string of pearls. “It couldn’t be more perfect.”

“I had a little help. I asked the girls. Do you like them?”

“They’re beautiful. I feel bad, Troy—we’ve been so rushed, I haven’t gotten you a gift.”

His hand slid down over her tummy. “Oh, I think you have.”

“It’s going to be the gift that keeps on giving, too,” she said with a little laugh. She turned so he could fasten the pearls around her neck. Then he put his lips there. She leaned back against him for a moment.

“Tired, honey?” he asked, his arms circling her waist, holding her.

“When this is done, I’m going to sleep for a month.”

He turned her to face him. “Did you eat anything?”

She nodded. “I know how something like this will go. I might not get a chance to sample our own wedding food.”

“We’re going to have a nice big plate made up and I’ll sneak it into the house for later. We can have a picnic in bed.”

She laughed and touched his cheek. “Your favorite kind of picnic.”

“Luckily, the bride and groom get to sneak away. We don’t have to be the last to leave.”

“Iris and Seth are going to take the arch and van back to the flower shop and Carrie assures me there is nothing for us to help with—she’s got it covered. She has a little help. Once we go down there, we’re off duty.”

“Except for Winnie. Rick has Cooper’s little Rhino all cleaned up and parked in the garage. He’s going to be in charge of getting her up and down the hill. Lin Su is going to come to the beach for a while, then she’ll help Winnie settle in for the night. You can start your month of sleep right after you promise to love me forever.”

“I think I did that already.”

“Gracie, I didn’t think I could be this happy. Thank you. I love you.”

“Took you a while to get right with that idea, didn’t it?”

“A couple of days, maybe. You haven’t doubted me since, have you?”

She shook her head. “Not for a second. You ever doubt me?”

“No, Gracie. Not for a second.” He glanced at the beach. “In fifteen minutes the judge will be here, everyone will be ready and we can do it. Should I pull the trigger on this event?”

“Do it,” she said.

He left her on the deck and went inside. He told Rick to deliver Winnie to the beach where a comfortable chair waited for her—she insisted there would be no wheelchair at her daughter’s wedding. It wouldn’t do much good in the sand anyway. Iris got her flowers and handed a beautiful bouquet to Grace. Ginger and Mikhail got ready to make their way down all those stairs.

“Showtime,” Troy said.

* * *

Ginger wept a little when the vows were exchanged, but not because she was seized by sadness from her own past. Just the opposite. She’d never been to a wedding quite like this. It was more than a union of lovers, almost as if best friends were joining together to make a perfect family life. She was so moved by the loving exchange between Grace and Troy, by the joy shared among

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