New Guard (CHERUB) - Robert Muchamore Page 0,52

the kitchen, holding a fruit plate covered in cling film.

‘What?’ James asked, as he poached a hash brown on his fork.

‘Bad news,’ Tovah told James. ‘I did some calculations. If you want to fly on this mission, you need to lose four kilos.’

James gawped as Tovah swapped his bacon and eggs for sliced melon, garnished with two red grapes.

‘You’re kidding me,’ James said, pointing at Kyle. ‘He’s fatter than me.’

‘Hey!’ Kyle yelped.

Tovah shook her head. ‘Kyle may be overweight for his body size, but he’s shorter so he’s still only sixty-four kilos. You need to be under seventy-five.’

Everyone apart from James started laughing.

‘Who ate all the pies?’ the teens at the next table started singing. ‘Who ate all the pies?’

‘These sausages are dee-licious,’ Kerry teased, as James glowered at his melon. ‘Is it every meal, or just breakfast?’

‘Every meal,’ Tovah said. ‘Serious calorie restriction is the only way James can drop four kilos in five weeks.’

‘Hey,’ James growled, as Lauren snapped a pic with her phone. ‘What are you doing?’

‘Had to, bro,’ Lauren explained. ‘Your expression right now is priceless!’

While CHERUB had blown its investment budget on the swanky new Campus Village, the summer hostel had been neglected. The gym was no exception, with creaky floorboards, cracked glazing and fighting mats patched up with duct tape.

Capstick led the training session, starting with laps and stretches. Kyle hadn’t sparred for ages, but triumphed over aches and put on a decent show sparring with Leon. Daniel got outclassed by Tovah. As the two biggest, James paired with Alfie, and their session got red-faced and bad-tempered as it progressed. Bruce and Kerry had been sparring since they were nine years old, but since Kerry hadn’t trained intensely since leaving uni, Bruce had to go easy.

After ninety minutes and a few partner swaps, Tovah, the five Currents and the five Crustys lined up breathlessly in front of Capstick and McEwen.

‘Yawl worked hard,’ Capstick said, smiling. ‘Especially you, Kyle, blowing off a lot of cobwebs.’

Kyle smiled as Bruce slapped him between the shoulder blades.

‘But,’ Capstick said dramatically. ‘Since Currents and Crustys are in competition, I want each side to pick their three best fighters for three bouts. Winners get first dibs at showers and lunch buffet. Losers run ten laps and wipe down sweaty mats.’

Since Ning and Alfie were mates and Leon and Daniel were his little brothers, Ryan had assumed a leadership role amongst the Currents, and led the quintet into a circle by the back wall.

‘Bruce is going to beat whoever,’ Alfie began. ‘Ning’s too fast for James, Kyle’s a wreck and I reckon Ning can take Kerry or Lauren, because they’re both out of practice.’

Ryan nodded in agreement. ‘So if Bruce wins his bout and Ning wins hers, it’ll all be down to the third match-up.’

‘Hang on,’ Ning said. ‘I’m the best, Bruce is the best. We should fight each other.’

The four lads shook their heads. ‘Nah, we have to be tactical,’ Ryan said.

Ning smiled. ‘I’ve been hearing about the legendary Bruce Norris since my first dojo session on campus. I’ve always wanted to fight him.’

‘But then we’ll be a bout down,’ Ryan said. ‘What’s the point?’

Ning put indignant hands on hips. ‘Who says I can’t win?’

The boys laughed and shook their heads.

‘Ning, for god’s sake,’ Alfie said. ‘Bruce won the All-in Campus Fighting Championship every year from when he was thirteen. He’s been training some of the best young fighters on campus.’

Ryan nodded. ‘Bruce has been living in Thailand. He teaches Muay Thai boxing to Thai people.’

‘I can take him,’ Ning said, pounding a fist into her palm. ‘I’m fighting Bruce, that’s all there is to it.’


Lauren Adams faced Ryan in an even first bout. Ryan’s height and speed, versus Lauren’s technique and low centre of gravity. After a lot of circling, Lauren suckered Ryan into overreaching on a punch. She went low, tripped, flipped and won with an arm bar.

Alfie and James repeated their sparring from earlier. Bulky and slow, they grunted, turned red and wound up on the floor in a stalemate. Capstick declared Alfie a narrow winner, mainly because he wanted the third bout to count for something.

Bruce Norris was a few centimetres shorter than an average bloke. Slim, muscular and so fast that opponents often found themselves on the floor and bloody-nosed before they got to make their first move. Ning was the same height. Her broad back and muscular arms made the Chinese state pick her as a future Olympic boxer when she was a Copyright 2016 - 2024