New Guard (CHERUB) - Robert Muchamore Page 0,4

targets are major terror groups, drug cartels, people smugglers, weapons dealers. We’re not in the business of getting revenge for one wronged child. You’ve broken dozens of rules.’

‘When news about this gets out on campus, you’ll probably be regarded as some kind of heroes by your fellow agents,’ Briggs added. ‘If we don’t hit you hard, who knows where it’ll lead?’

Leon and Daniel allowed slight smirks at the thought that they’d be considered heroes.

‘Don’t you dare smile,’ Zara said, wagging a finger. ‘Although I’m in charge of matters of severe breaches of discipline, I have to follow guidelines laid down by the ethics committee. Under those guidelines, you have breached so many rules that the case for permanent exclusion from CHERUB is absolute.’

Zara paused to let this sink in. The twins avoided eye contact with each other and Leon’s breath juddered, like he was going to cry.

‘However,’ Zara said. ‘I do have slight wiggle room in cases where agents act out based on traumatic events they’ve seen while on missions. And I suppose you could argue that you were upset after encountering Brent Johnson and that is the reason why you acted the way you did.

‘So, I’m going to give you two choices. The first is that you’re discharged honourably from CHERUB. You can live with a member of staff near to campus, so you’ll still get to see your brothers Theo and Ryan.’

Leon’s jaw dropped. ‘I thought you said there was wiggle room …’

‘Let me finish,’ Zara said firmly. ‘Your second choice will be to remain on CHERUB campus, but you’ll face severe sanctions. Namely, two months of heavy drill and ditch digging, followed by a further two months during which you’ll be suspended from missions.’

The twins gasped. ‘Two months of heavy drill!’ Leon blurted.

‘I never heard of anyone getting more than two weeks,’ Daniel added.

‘You’ll also be expected to tell none of your friends what you’re being punished for,’ Briggs added. ‘Not even your brothers.’

‘No cherub is ever forced to undergo punishment,’ Zara said. ‘You can quit now, you can quit at any time.’

Leon looked across at Daniel. ‘I got twenty-four hours’ heavy drill that time I drank all the cider and puked in French class. It was full on. I’m not sure I could hack two months.’

Daniel had never been made to do heavy drill. ‘Worse than basic training?’

‘Way worse,’ Leon said.

Zara stood up and signalled Briggs to do the same. Then glanced at her watch.

‘Quit CHERUB, or two months’ punishment. I’ll give you ten minutes to make up your mind.’

Zara and Briggs headed out. The twins jolted as Briggs locked them in with a metallic clank. As the boys looked at one another, Daniel eyed a picture of Nigel Kinney on the desk.

‘We always knew there was a good chance we’d get caught,’ Daniel said sadly. ‘Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, just being an ordinary kid.’

Leon nodded. ‘There are so many hot girls at that Catholic school down the road.’

Daniel looked up at one of the cameras. ‘They can probably hear what we’re saying.’

‘But on the other hand,’ Leon said, as he flicked his cheek anxiously. ‘We’ve got the whole rest of our lives to be ordinary.’


CHERUB campus was Sunday-morning quiet as a blonde twenty-two-year-old stepped up to a set of doors, dressed in tight-fitting cords and tatty Converse. She leaned forward, staring into a black square with a green light flashing above it. After a moment, a screen beneath the panel lit up with Lauren Adams, access granted.

The snaking mission control building on CHERUB campus had recently undergone refurbishment, with new floorboards and modern art. The heart of the building was a small control room aglow with computer screens. From here, the sixty or so CHERUB agents and their adult controllers who are on a mission at any given time can call in an emergency, request backup, equipment or a link to specialists whose skills range from hacking an encrypted file to making sure that a traffic light turns red when it needs to. Branching off were three smaller control rooms, which were manned during the critical phases of CHERUB’s individual missions.

After passing through, Lauren entered a broad corridor, with securely locked offices on one side and full-height glass overlooking forest on the other. Halfway along, a boy and a girl looked nervous in their grey CHERUB shirts, yet to hit their teens and about to get briefed on their first mission.

The last office had a sign Lauren found slightly ludicrous: James Adams Copyright 2016 - 2024