The New Girlfriend - Sheryl Browne Page 0,8

he handed her the glass of water.

‘Thanks. That’s perfect.’ She gave him an appreciative smile.

Adam smiled back, but his expression was guarded. ‘What about your parents, Kim? How do they feel about the baby?’

Kim stopped sipping, rested the glass in her lap and lowered her gaze again.

‘Are they not willing to help you?’ he went on, unaware of Cassie trying to make eye contact with him. Kim’s cheeks were flushing furiously; it was clear he was making her feel uncomfortable. ‘Assuming they’re aware of your circumstances, that is. I would have thought they—’

‘They can’t.’ Kim looked sharply back up. ‘I come from a large family. My mum has my three younger brothers at home, as well as me. I have a chance of renting a property, just a small one, but it’s not confirmed yet. And then I have to get my benefits sorted out, so I’ve no choice but to stay at home for now. We live on Tennison Road on the Eastbridge estate.’ Her gaze went to Cassie, who understood what she was trying to convey. She’d had one or two assignments on the Eastbridge estate. It consisted largely of rented accommodation and meant the family weren’t well off.

‘As for my dad… he’s due in court next week,’ Kim continued, and took a deep breath as if summoning up her courage. ‘He assaulted a neighbour. The only blessing was that it wasn’t my mum this time. He’s not the sort of man you’d want anywhere near a baby.’

Cassie’s horrified gaze shot to Adam, who was clearly as shocked as she was.

‘Do you mind if I use the loo?’ Kim asked, now looking hugely embarrassed.

‘No, not at all.’ Cassie rose to her feet, trying to get her jumbled thoughts into some sort of order. ‘I’ll show you where it is.’

Adam waited until Kim had disappeared into the downstairs toilet, then gestured Cassie into the kitchen and reached to push the door shut. ‘Do you believe her?’ he asked.

Cassie searched his face. ‘Yes,’ she said, though she was still trying to process the information. ‘Why? Don’t you?’

‘I don’t know.’ Adam looked troubled. ‘It seems a bit odd, that’s all. Josh never even mentioned he was seeing anyone.’

‘No, but initially he might have been concerned about how we might react to the news of a baby before he’d even completed his teacher training,’ Cassie suggested. ‘And then, when he left...’

Still Adam looked wary. Cassie understood why he would be, but he must see what was staring him in the face. ‘Have you looked at the baby? He’s the image of Josh.’

‘I know. It’s uncanny. It’s just…’ He stopped and shrugged uncomfortably.

‘Just what?’ Cassie urged him, glancing worriedly towards the hall. Kim wouldn’t be long. She didn’t want her thinking they’d retreated to the kitchen to talk about her.

His expression awkward, Adam studied her for a second. ‘What if she’s just here for money? What if that’s all it ever was? She hardly seems Josh’s type.’

Cassie was astonished. ‘She’s not long given birth to a baby, Adam,’ she reminded him. ‘Our grandchild. And with no one to support her, of course she’ll need help. She’s on her own. She’s come to us. Was that so wrong of her?’

Adam drew in a breath. ‘No. I just… Look, Cassie, I know how much this would mean to you. I just don’t want you upset if it turns out to be some kind of scam, that’s all.’

‘Scam? She’s the mother of Josh’s child.’ Tears stinging her eyes, Cassie stared hard at him. ‘How upset do you think I’ll be if she decides she has no other choice but to offer the baby up for adoption? She can’t afford to keep him, Adam. He could end up anywhere… a million miles away. Do you imagine I could ever forgive myself if that happened?’

Adam ran a hand over his neck. ‘No,’ he said, expelling a slow breath. ‘I don’t get why she didn’t ask us to take him, though. It’s the obvious solution if she really believes he would be better off with someone else, isn’t it?’

That was precisely what Cassie had thought, but… ‘She would hardly have walked through the door and said, “This is your grandson, and oh, by the way, I’m leaving him with you”, would she? Not without seeing if we were open to the idea. I don’t imagine she actually wants anyone to take him. She’s vulnerable. Scared. Yet you’re judging her without even knowing her.’

Sweeping a disappointed glance over him, she Copyright 2016 - 2024