The New Girlfriend - Sheryl Browne Page 0,71

still in her sports bag – she turned round and walked on. Panic took root when he recommenced his whistling, and she quickened her pace and fumbled for her phone in her bag. God, where was it?

Glancing quickly back again as she pulled the bag from her shoulder, she realised he was keeping up with her. Following her.

She dug deeper in her bag, a hard lump clogging her throat. She held it by one handle, delving in the pockets and right to the bottom, and finally her hand met hard plastic. She yanked the phone out and glanced over her shoulder once more. Shit. He was gaining ground.

She looked towards the gate. It was miles off. Shit. Shit. Her chest hammering, she veered to the right, breaking into a run towards a hedgerow at the perimeter of the field. He was still behind her. She dropped her bag and ran faster. He came after her, shouting something, Kim couldn’t hear what. Pressing her thumb hard to her phone, cursing the cheap casing, she struggled to switch the bloody thing on.

She was almost at the hedgerow. The road into the town centre was just beyond it. There would be people, cars.

‘Oi!’ he yelled behind her. ‘What yer running for? I was chasing my dog, not you!’

What dog? Kim hadn’t seen a dog. Did he have a lead? Not daring to look back, she sprinted on, through the thicket fronting the hedgerow, ready to launch herself over it.

‘Silly cow,’ the man threw after her. ‘Do yerself a favour, luv. You’ll cause yourself an injury.’

Kim’s heart hammered. He’d stopped a few yards off and was turning around, walking away. Her legs weak from the exertion, trembling with fear, she resisted sinking to her haunches. Keeping her eyes fixed on him, she made her way along the hedge until she spotted a gap big enough to squeeze through.

On the other side, she debated for a second and then called Adam, who she knew wouldn’t hesitate to come to her rescue. ‘Adam?’ she said tearfully when he picked up. ‘I’m really sorry to bother you while you’re working, but—’

‘What’s happened?’ Adam was immediately concerned. ‘Are you all right? Is it Sam?’

He’d grown attached to the baby, shortening his name affectionately. Kim was both touched and saddened by that. ‘Sam’s fine,’ she assured him. ‘I checked with Cassie as I left the gym. I was on my way back, but…’ She gulped in a wretched breath.

‘Jesus. What? Is it Cassie?’ Adam’s voice was a combination of wary and fearful.

‘No, nothing like that,’ she said quickly. ‘It’s just… I’ve got a bit of a problem. I was running from this man and—’

‘What man?’ Adam stopped her, his tone shocked. ‘When? Where?’

‘In the playing fields at the back of the gym. I was taking a shortcut. I heard him behind me, and I—’

‘Are you still there now?’ Adam cut in, his tone tight.

‘I’m on the road outside, leading into town.’ Kim sniffled, and wiped a hand under her nose.

‘Are there people around?’ Adam asked, clearly worried.

‘Yes. Lots. I’m just heading to the roundabout by Morrisons.’

‘Go to the supermarket entrance,’ he instructed her. ‘Wait there. I’ll be ten minutes. Try not to worry.’

Kim heard his hurried footsteps, a door opening and closing. Wherever he was, he was clearly exiting fast. ‘I won’t,’ she assured him shakily. ‘Not now I know you’re on your way.’



Kim watched, impressed, as Adam screeched to a stop in the car park directly opposite the supermarket doors. A second later, he was thrusting his door open and climbing hurriedly out to meet her as she ran towards him.

He’d obviously noticed her torn top. She saw his eyes flick to her torso. She guessed her make-up would be smudged, tear tracks wending their way down her face. She must look a right state.

Noting his concern, she launched herself at him, pressing her face hard into his shoulder. ‘I’m sorry,’ she whispered. ‘I didn’t know who else to call.’

Seeming uncertain what to do as she clung to his neck, Adam hesitated for a second, then wrapped his arms gently around her. ‘There’s nothing to be sorry for, Kim,’ he assured her.

‘I shouldn’t have dragged you out of work.’ Kim eased away from him, gulping back a sob and wiping a hand across her cheek. ‘It’s just, when I realised I’d lost my bag and that my purse was inside it…’

‘It’s fine.’ Adam gave her a reassuring smile. ‘What’s that?’ he asked, his eyes darkening as he looked Copyright 2016 - 2024