The New Girlfriend - Sheryl Browne Page 0,106

also, when it is obsessive or unrequited, might drive us to great acts of despair. It explores the tangled web we weave when we set out to deceive. I love to look at how the past, our perception of ourselves, our failures, strengths and flaws, might shape our future. There are some parts of our past that, through a sense of unworthiness or shame, or some dreadful deed perhaps, we might choose to hide because of what we imagine other people’s opinions of us will be. And so that first lie is told. Some little white lies might make no difference to our lives. Others might have a devastating impact on us and on the people around us – friends, children spouses or lovers, sisters or brothers. To keep a secret from being found out, we might bury it under another intricate lie, and then another, until the web becomes so tangled we can’t find a way to extract ourselves. Thus begins the snowball effect: each lie building on itself to become larger, more dangerous, gathering momentum, until it crashes into the walls we build around ourselves and shakes the foundations beneath us. That, then, is the premise of The New Girlfriend. We look at a seemingly perfectly normal family, whose lives begin to unravel as untruths unfold. How far will someone go to keep their secret safe?

As I pen this last little section of the book, I would again like to thank those people around me who are always there to offer support (when I remember to reach out); those people who believed in me even when I didn’t quite believe in myself.

To all of you, thank you for helping me make my dream come true.

If you have enjoyed the book, I would love it if you could share your thoughts and write a brief review. Reviews mean the world to an author and will help a book find its wings. I would also love to hear from you via Facebook or Twitter or my website.

Stay safe, everyone, and happy reading.

Sheryl x

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