Never Tempt a Scot by Lauren Smith Page 0,66

the lass has a strong stomach.”

“She does. There was a bit of blood, and she kept calm.” Lydia imagined she would have been faint at the sight of blood, but she had been in such a state of shock last night that she hadn’t gotten lightheaded, and now she’d become used to living with the injury.

“I wish we could remain longer to let you rest, but I would feel better if we reached Edinburgh soon, should you need to see a doctor.”

Lydia didn’t disagree. She didn’t have the least bit of desire to stay here so close to where those men had taken her.

“Have you eaten?” she asked them.

“Aye, half an hour ago,” Brodie confirmed. “If you finish up, we can pack and leave.”

He stood and went upstairs, leaving her alone with Rafe.

Rafe propped his chin on his hand and flashed her a puckish grin. “Well, let’s hear about it, kitten.”

“I beg your pardon?” She set her spoon inside her empty bowl.

“Oh, come now,” Rafe chuckled. “You and the Scot. You and he tangled the sheets. The walls aren’t exactly thick here.”

Her face flooded with a firestorm of heat. “Mr. Lennox! You cannot speak of such things.”

“Why not? Despite my public façade, I’ve never claimed to be a gentleman. Besides, there’s no one to overhear us.” He waved a hand around the empty room.

“That may be the case, but I don’t wish to speak of it.”

“It was that bad? Such a pity. I should have gone after you myself. I can promise you—you would have adored sharing my bed.”

Lydia raised a brow. “Aren’t you busy enough with Fanny?”

“Fanny?” he asked.

“My new maid? I saw her leave your room yesterday morning.”

“Oh yes, her. That was just once. We had our fun, but she’s taking her post as your maid far too seriously and won’t come back to my bed now.”

“You poor thing,” Lydia retorted.

“Aha! So you do have claws!” He threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, kitten, you are too sweet. Well, because you delight me, I’ll tell you this. You have the Scot tied up in knots. He thoroughly enjoyed last night, a bit too much even. Whatever you are doing, I suggest you keep it up, my dear. I want to see how the fellow handles it.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “Why does this amuse you? He is your friend. Shouldn’t you be trying to help him?”

“Kitten, there is one thing you should know about me. The thing I take pleasure in, the only thing, is making this drab existence we call life more interesting. And so far, you and Brodie have been most entertaining.” With a knowing smirk, Rafe got up to see to the coach.

“Are all men so blasted frustrating?” she muttered to herself.

“Only the best ones,” Rafe answered over his shoulder, his ears far sharper than she’d realized.

Lydia left a few coins that Brodie had given her for the barmaid on the table and joined Rafe outside. She took her seat and waited for the gentlemen to join her, but only Brodie got into the coach.

“Is Mr. Lennox riding on the top seat or is he riding a horse alongside us?” she asked.

“He’s up top for a little while. He doesn’t mind sitting with his servants. We should be in Edinburgh in two hours, hopefully.”

“Oh, that’s a relief. I don’t think I can stand much more of this coach.” She shot a hopeful look at him. “I don’t suppose you have any more books?”

“Aye.” He reached under his seat, and she browsed the handful he held out, choosing a book on the history of Stuart England. She began to read, but after a short while she became aware of Brodie watching her.

“You aren’t reading?” she asked. Her voice was huskier than she wished it to be.

“No, I’m afraid I’m too distracted, lass,” he answered, his voice deep and almost silky.

She sighed and rolled her eyes. “I cannot understand you, Mr. Kincade. This morning you would barely speak to me at breakfast, you did not even stay in bed with me—”

She squeaked in surprise as he lunged for her. When he captured her in his arms, he pulled her onto his lap. He was careful not to touch the arm where she’d been injured.

“Hush, lass, let a man have what he wants. Why do you think I was so ready to be off? The sooner we reach Edinburgh, the sooner I can have you all to myself in a proper bedchamber where no one Copyright 2016 - 2024