Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,68

for a while. The ’rents have never liked the area I’m in, and I’m over worryin’ about gettin’ my shit stolen.” I shrugged and took the brochure from his hands. “It’s time to move.”

He sighed, leaned his cane next to the bed, and took my hand in his to tug me into him. I met his gaze when he said, “You liked that place. I don’t know if I’ve ever said sorry it happened—”

“Don’t you fuckin’ dare. I hate that it happened, but I don’t care it was at my place. I want to move, Kylo. I need this. A new chapter in life, and I want you to move in with me.”

He bit his bottom lip and studied me for a beat before shaking his head, and my gut clenched. “No.”


“Nope, it’s too soon, but it doesn’t change how I feel about you. Hell, I might even end up stayin’ at your place most of the time, but I ain’t movin’ in.”

“Yet, right?”

He rolled his eyes. “Maybe.”

I pouted.

He snorted. “Don’t fuckin’ pout at me.”

“But, lover, I need my boo boo in my house all the damn time to perv on.”

He laughed, and it was good to see some of his light shining back in there. Taking a life took a toll on you; I knew it, felt it, but with the support at our backs, Kylo would be fine. Especially since we knew what a piece of shit Henry had been.

I’d keep an eye on him in case it did play with his mind. If we couldn’t help, then I’d find someone we could trust who he could share this shit with.

Yeah, I’d keep a close eye on him.

He was mine to take care of, to protect over anyone.

I knew he was holding back moving in with me because he was still worried about this lasting. I’d give him time, and eventually, he’d see I wouldn’t go anywhere except for where he was.

“Not happenin’, but would sharin’ a shower help your delicate feelin’s?”

“Hmm, it could, for a start.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do. I’ll get you drunk later and suck you off.”

“Now we’re talkin’, but we’ll be bringin’ the matter of movin’ in with me up at a later date… like tomorrow.”

He chuckled and led me toward the bathroom off my bedroom. “We’ll see.”

I’d wear him down with my flowery words and sweep him off his feet to a point he couldn’t say no anymore. Well, eventually I would.

Chapter Twenty-One


“At least it’s only another couple of months, and you’ll get out of Polished and into security,” I said to West on the phone as I sat in bed waiting on Zion to get home. I hadn’t let Zion know Wendy and Boom wouldn’t be here, which I planned to use to my advantage. Lucas and Wreck had visited Zion’s house earlier. They had happened to go there, though, when Zion wasn’t home so they could find something for me.

I glanced to the side and grinned at the guitar.

Lucas already knew Zion played the guitar since he was his brother, but he hadn’t known he’d kept it going into his adult life. He’d thought Zion had stopped in high school. Wreck didn’t give a shit whether Zion played or not. He didn’t care about much unless it had something to do with Lucas. So at least I knew they wouldn’t blab to the brothers until Zion was ready to show his skills.

Skills I was keen on seeing tonight.

West sighed through the phone. “I know. At least then you’ll be working there as well.”

“Exactly.” It worried me I hadn’t worked since being injured, but Zion, Country, and Death had all stated I had to heal to a point I was able to move without so much pain before I started back in on any job. It just happened to be about the same time I would be starting at the security firm. What eased my concerns and stopped me arguing with them about work was that the bank replaced all the money Henry stole, which had only been finalized last week. It helped me breathe a bit easier knowing I had money to back me up from not working for so long.

Zion had tried to tell me he’d support me when it came to money, but I didn’t want to rely on someone else. It took him a while to understand. He saw it as since we were together, whatever he had in life was mine as well. I found the whole Copyright 2016 - 2024