Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,58

when one stabbed me, more pain fired through me at my face, my ribs, my leg, my gut. Over and over, they pummeled me. Some were stinging like the sharp blade slicing into my skin. I dropped to the floor and curled into myself. Still, more pain came with hits and kicks. I hated I didn’t have the energy to fight back. Hated feeling exposed and vulnerable. Fucking hated it.

All while I prayed someone would come, anyone other than Zion.

“Stop, he still needs to be alive until we get the go-ahead.”

Agony radiated throughout me; it was hard to stay focused, awake. All I wanted to do was close my eyes and let sleep take me away. I coughed, and blood dripped from my mouth. I didn’t move to wipe it away though, not only because I didn’t want to get their attention again, but I wasn’t sure I could move at that point. I kept my eyes closed, feeling every throb, every ache as I stayed as still as I could.

“Did you hear that?” Thing One said.


“Shhh.” I listened to their footsteps move away from me.

Wood splintered, glass shattered, screams, and yells rose, all in seconds.

Slowly, I opened my eyes as far as I could.

“Gun, fuck. Jesus. What the fuck happened?” Death yelled.

“F-Father,” I managed to get out.

“All right, kid, just stay still. Torch, we’ll need paramedics for this,” he called over his shoulder. I heard more curses go up and around. “Torch, soon as you’ve done that, go to Polished, tell Saint to get to the hospital, and you stay to take over duties.”

“Why does Saint—”

“Just fuckin’ do it.”

“On it,” he replied without further questions.

“Death” was called, and I glanced up, only to wince, and saw Quake in the doorway. “There’s a dead woman out here. What we gonna do?”

“Shit, fuck. Gun—Kylo, do you know who the woman is?”

I licked my dry lips and even that hurt. “Mom.”

“Fuck me, fuckin’ hell, what the hell happened here? No, don’t answer that. Quake, get Country on the phone. Tell him what we know so far, but let him know I’m advisin’ to call this one in since Gun’s goin’ to the hospital.”

“Got it.”

“You just hang in there, Gun. We’ll get this sorted.”

“Z-Zion’s gonna be pissed,” I muttered.

“Don’t you worry about him. I’ll make sure he has the brothers at his back, like we’ll be there for you.” His hand gently ran over my head as he sat his ass down on the ground next to me.

My brothers were here.

They’d help me. They’d protect me until I could do it myself and kill the motherfucking cunt Henry.

I hummed under my breath, suddenly tired. I wanted to fade into the darkness to stop the pain radiating throughout me.

“No, Gun, not fuckin’ yet. Stay with me. Stay awake.”

“Can’t,” I breathed.

“Just a little longer, brother. I can hear the ambulance comin’. They’re nearly here. Soon as they say you can, you take that nap. Just hang on a little longer.”

“Hard,” I mumbled.

“I know it is, Gun. Fuck, brother, please just stay awake or Saint’s gonna kick my ass. You don’t want that, right? Because if I have to, I’ll fight back, then Saint and I’ll be at ends.”

“B-Bullshit,” I got out, and Death chuckled.

“Yeah, you’re right. It’s bullshit. But I swear, if you go to sleep now, I’ll kiss Saint.”

I growled under my breath.

“That’s right. You wouldn’t want that. He’s a good-lookin’ motherfucker. I could totally put pussy outta my head for that guy.”

“Shut it,” I warned.

“They’re here,” I heard, followed by heavy footfalls on the porch.

Death had said I had to wait to pass out until the paramedics arrived.

They were there, so I let the darkness surround me and dove into it quickly.

Chapter Eighteen


Walking into the waiting area in the ER, I felt on edge, like I was going to vomit or commit murder. I first spotted Death, and when he saw me, he smiled grimly before walking toward me. He also called Quake, Country, and State with him, and I knew whatever I was about to hear wasn’t good.

I stilled, my hands fisted at my sides, my jaw clenched. “Tell me?” I demanded.

“Saint, you just gotta keep your cool, brother,” Country advised.

“Tell me,” I snarled.

“They got into your place and hurt Gun. He’s in surgery,” State said.

“Who did it?” I snapped harshly.

Country moved closer, and his hand landed on my shoulder. “Breathe and fuckin’ listen,” he ordered. He didn’t go on until I took a breath. Only it didn’t settle me; instead, it Copyright 2016 - 2024