Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,55

I’ll just have to give you the password to access them.” Which I would since we’d already looked into him.

“Net,” he clipped in Russian. “I would prefer Ben. Is he working with your company still?”

Fuck, it didn’t seem like this guy wanted to give up West, which had me thinking maybe the attraction had been two way and not just on West’s side.

“He does, for now, but the hours he’d been doin’ aren’t suitin’ him any longer.”

“I’ll take any hour he has available.”

“I’m sorry, but that won’t be possible. He’s already been booked out for the next month with his new hours.” I was talking out of my ass and hoping this guy would buy it.

“Will he be sleeping with these other clients?” he bit out.

“It’s no business of yours what my employee does,” I told him with a hardness to my voice.

“Fine. Give me the access code and I’ll take a look, then get back to you.”

I passed on the code, since I couldn’t not, even though I didn’t fucking like his attitude. We ended the call, and I sat back in the seat, staring at the phone. It wouldn’t be bad if I had Death look further into Mr. Hail. I made a note of it before Erica walked into the office and I gave her the details for her night.

As the hours dragged by, I couldn’t help but feel off, the urge to call Kylo riding me hard. My gut had been twisted since I got here. I’d just reached for my phone when my door crashed open.

Torch stood there, panting, “Get to the hospital. Gun’s hurt.”

I stood and grabbed my things as fear had my blood rushing through me. My chest ached like a bitch. “What the fuck happened?” I demanded, making my way out.

Torch followed me to the doors. “Just get there, brother. Drive safe.”

Fuck, fuck, fuck, why wouldn’t he say? Did it mean it wasn’t good? I couldn’t think of it now. I had to get to the hospital and find out what the fuck was going on. Then, and only when I knew Kylo was okay, could I let myself think and feel.

Chapter Seventeen


Already I missed him, and he hadn’t even been gone long. What was good was that Zion seemed to be having the same problem since it was only moments ago he’d messaged me from the club. The show I usually loved just wasn’t keeping my attention. Maybe sleep was what I needed, and then the time would go faster for when Zion got home.

Fuck me sideways. I sounded like a lovesick fool.

But I couldn’t help it because Zion was… hell, everything I’d ever wanted to have in a relationship. He made me smile, gave me those stupid yet kickass feelings in the gut, and my heart beat faster every time he was near, and I hadn’t seen him in a while.

Was it too soon to call it love?

Fuck it.

I was in love with Zion Storey.

He was mine.


Just thinking it brought a smile to my face.

Laughing at myself, I climbed off the bed and made my way into the kitchen. Maybe the fluttering in my gut was hunger and not from thinking of Zion. Who was I kidding? It was Zion. Still, while I was there, I grabbed a glass and filled it with water. Leaning my ass against the counter, I looked around the place.

I’d felt more at home here as each day passed. I knew Zion would have me move in if he had a choice, but it still scared me we were moving too fast and that it’d crash down in the end.

I didn’t want it to end.

Placing the glass down on the sink, I started toward the bedroom when there was a knock on the front door. It was nearing eleven at night. Who would come to Zion’s this late? I quickly grabbed a tee off the floor and went to answer. Only when I unlocked the door, it was pushed open from the outside, causing me to stumble back. Two figures entered; one hit me in the jaw, knocking me sideways from the impact.

Shaking my head, I took the person to the ground in a tackle. He let out a huff. I straddled his waist and laid a fist into his face. It was on the second hit when I recognized who it was.


Motherfucking Henry.

My so-called father.

“Get off him” was screamed, and something smashed into my side, knocking me off Henry.

“What the fuck? What the fuck?” Copyright 2016 - 2024