Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,53

worried if his current employment ever got out later in his years while he’s a doctor, it wouldn’t be good. I asked Death if he had anythin’ goin’ in the surveillance room. The hours could be good for him to work around other things.”

“Yeah, good thinkin’. Death said somethin’ the other day about openin’ up another business, which could lead to more jobs, but he didn’t say what type of business. Some of the guys from the security agency could want a change if things go ahead.”

“Huh, didn’t know that, and you don’t have a clue what type of business?”

“Nope, he rambled on about somethin’ then went on about somethin’ else in the next breath. I’m sure we’ll find out soon.”

His fingers ran over my hand. “Gonna ask you somethin’ and want you to be honest about it.”

“You got it.”

“What do you think when I go out on a job?”

I stilled. He wanted me to be honest, but I wasn’t really sure of my answer because I was half and half over it.

“Kylo…,” I whined and dropped my head back against the headboard.

“Zion, tell me, please.”

“Fuck, all right. I understand why you’re doin’ what you’re doin’ to get on your own two feet and have somethin’ behind you.”


“To start with, when we’d first started out, I wasn’t worried about it. Now, I hate the fuckin’ thought of someone else touchin’ you, even when it’s as innocent as hand-holdin’. But that’s me bein’ jealous, and it’s not fair to you. Which is why I probably should have shut my damn mouth because I don’t want you to feel guilty over it.”

He sat up and got to his knees to face me. “That’s the thing. Lately I feel shitty for goin’ out there with them. Which is why I also asked Death about a job.”

“You shittin’ me?”

He grinned but rolled his eyes. “No. I mean, like West I’ll have to do it until we can get somethin’ figured out, and this is all dependin’ on Death having some openin’s.”

Reaching out, I ran a hand up his thigh. “You wantin’ to do that for us means a fuckin’ lot. Surprised the hell outta me you already got the ball rollin’. But it’s good.”

Yeah, this was fuckin’ love between us, and I couldn’t wait to see how much it grew with time.

“You gonna show me how good you think it is?” His cocky arch of a brow got my dick jerking.

“Yeah, lover, I’ll show you real good.” Un-fucking-fortunately, my phone rang. “Shit.”

Kylo reached for my cell, handing it over, saying, “Country.”

“Hey, Prez, what’s happenin’?”

“How’s the arm, Saint?”

“Good, Prez. Healing nicely.”

“Great to hear. You able to head to Polished? Know it’s my night on, but I gotta go deal with somethin’. State and Wreck ain’t answerin’. Need a manager here. Sorry, brother.”

Fuck it all.

“No problem, Country, I’ll be there in ten.”

“Thanks, and tell Gun sorry for draggin’ you away from him.”

Chuckling, I said, “Will do.” I ended the call and told Kylo, “Country’s sorry for takin’ me away from you, but I gotta head into Polished to take his shift. He’s got somethin’ on.”

“I’ll come with you,” he said, climbing off the bed.

Standing, I grabbed his arm and pulled him into me. “Stay. Rest. You’ll be bored shitless if you did come.”

“Or I could give you head under the desk?” he offered with a cheeky grin.

Laughing, I shook my head. “Another time.” I kissed his nose, which he screwed up. “No use both of us bein’ tired. Get some sleep. You’ll need energy when I get home.”

“You’d better be worked up and ready to rock then.”

“Oh, I fuckin’ will be, knowin’ you’re here in our bed waitin’ for me.”

His hand cupped the back of my neck and he drew me in for a heavy and hot kiss that left me breathless and wanting more.

When he stepped away and dove on the bed again, I pointed at my junk and said, “See what you fuckin’ do with one kiss?”

He chuckled and grabbed his own erection. “Know the feelin’.” He sobered and ordered, “Be safe.”

Bending, I gave him a quick kiss. “Always.” I quickly got dressed and out of there before Kylo’s magic had me saying, “Screw it all,” and jumping back in bed with him like I wanted to.

By the time I got to Polished, I was freezing my ass off. The fucking heater in the Jeep decided to kick the bucket on one of the coldest nights. I pulled my jacket around me more as Copyright 2016 - 2024