Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,48

a few seconds ago when I blew a load from ass play?”

He chuckled. “I was here.”

“Then you’ll get why I’d be more than willin’ to do it again.” I grinned.

He leaned over me. “You’re… pretty awesome, Zion.”

Reaching up, I ran a finger over his lips and shook my head. “Nah, lover, it’s you who’s awesome.”

He screwed his nose up as if he didn’t agree, but I knew for certain it was true. No one else would get me interested in them like I was with Kylo. No one else had captured my attention and held it, made me want more, than Kylo.

He was special.

And he was mine.

I’d make sure I did everything in my power to keep it that way.

“Stop thinkin’ so hard. You’ll blow a gasket,” Kylo teased before resting on me gently and taking my lips in a sweet-tasting kiss.

He lifted off me after a final peck and said, “Gonna hit the bathroom. Be back.”

I grabbed his hand. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you.” As soon as I got the energy back after seeing stars from coming so hard, I’d have my mouth around his dick, showing him how much I loved pleasing him.

He smiled softly, dipped down, and kissed me quickly before brushing his lips against my ear, where he said, “Already came, sweetheart. Watchin’ you had me jizzin’ in my boxers like a thirteen-year-old seeing a pair of tits for the first time.”

My eyes flashed wide. When he stood, he caught my cocky grin and rolled his eyes.

“Now that is fuckin’ hot, lover.”

“What, that I can’t control myself when I see you gettin’ off on me finger fuckin’ you?”

“Hell yes.” I nodded.

He snorted. “You’re somethin’ else.”

I winked. “You know it. Hurry the hell up. I need some damn snuggles from my man.” His steps faltered a little, but his eyes warmed and he nodded.

He liked me claiming him as my man, and I enjoyed knowing I did that for him, but I also felt it was right in my head and heart.

He was my man.

Chapter Fifteen


Walking into the house, I was headed for my bedroom when Boom called my name. “Comin’,” I yelled back. I dumped my bag with my extra clothes I carried around since, in the last two weeks, I happened to stay a lot at Zion’s. He’d tried to get me to leave my shit there, even cleaned out a drawer for me, but it felt like too much too soon. I gave in on the toothbrush, but that was it.

I had to be smart about some things. He’d already won on us dating. Although I wanted it probably more than him, living together was a full commitment we weren’t ready for.

Not that Zion agreed.

But I was doing this for us. We couldn’t go right to living out of each other’s pockets, maybe in another month or two, but not after nearly two months together.

As I walked toward the kitchen, where I knew Boom would be since I could hear Wendy clattering around in there and he was never far from her, my phone chimed. I pulled it free and was surprised when I saw West’s name on there.

West: Do you have time later for a chat?

Weird he was coming to me and not Lucas as they were best friends. Yet, West and I had become friends. I just didn’t think we were as close as what those two were, or what I was with Lucas.

Me: Sure. When and where?

He said a name of a coffeehouse and a time. I told him I’d be there and put the phone back in my pocket by the time I walked into the kitchen.

“Hey,” I said, making my way up to Wendy and kissing her on the cheek.

“Hey, honey, you want some lunch?”

“No thanks, I’m heading out again shortly to meet with someone.” I faced Boom as I leaned against the counter. “What’s up, Boom?”

“Where you been?” he asked, then took a sip of his coffee.

“Boom,” Wendy warned.

“What’s this?” I asked, looking between them.

“Wendy reckons I shouldn’t ask you about your love life, but it’s obvious you’re with someone. You hardly spend nights here anymore. When we gonna meet her… or him?”


What could I say? We’d told Country what was happening between us, well, Zion did, and Country was happy that we were happy, but was it too soon to tell other people? I liked our bubble of bliss we had going on. But Boom and Wendy were my family. Zion’s parents knew, so they should, Copyright 2016 - 2024