Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,44

lips because I fucking loved being around him. Shit, I wasn’t sure if I’d been shot the previous night that I’d be in a good mood like him. It was as if nothing could get him down.

After we grabbed a few more things, we stood in line at the cash register, and I kept fighting with myself.

Fuck it. I’d just do it.

I curled an arm around Zion’s neck and gently tugged him into my side. His hand landed on my waist, and his eyes met mine.

“I do like you,” I told him.

His lips twitched. “I knew it when you shot someone for me.” His hand tightened on me. “Like you too, Kylo.”

“Next in line, please” was called.

Zion faced the cashier and grinned. “Sorry, can’t help it when he distracts me. He’s smokin’ hot, right?”

The cashier blushed and looked down at the register, then nodded.

Zion chuckled. “Don’t worry, darlin’. I know what you’re seein’, and he drives me crazy.”

“Zion, shut it,” I bit out as I placed our items on the conveyor belt. My face was burning. Zion made a move to zip his lips. He winked at the cashier, but thankfully, he stayed quiet. Didn’t stop him from touching me at the waist, the arm, the shoulder, fuckin’ anywhere every time we moved around each other.

Once outside, we started toward my car when I heard yelled, “Kylo?”

Turning, I noticed a woman and a man who stood just outside the supermarket. The woman waved, but the man just stared as he leaned against the wall.

“Oh God, it is you, Kylo,” the woman called as she made her way over to us. The man followed more slowly.

As they drew closer, I got a better look at them and froze.

“Kylo?” Zion whispered.

“Look, Henry, it’s our boy,” Samantha, my fucking mother, said with a smile.

She was fucking smiling like they hadn’t treated me like shit for all my time with them.

I felt Zion move closer. His heat reached out to me because I suddenly felt chilled to the damn bone. Never had they sought me out. Never had they contacted Boom or Wendy to find out how their only fucking child was. Yet, here she was, stopping in front of me with a beaming smile, while Henry, my fucked-up father, just stared.

“How are you?” Samantha asked as she scratched at her arm. I took her in then. She looked wrung out, so did Henry for that matter. Both had scabs on their faces and arms. They were still using, but were they selling as well? From their dirty appearance and twitchy actions, I doubted it because when they had been selling, they’d kept themselves well enough for clients to see them.

“What do you want?” I bit out.

“No way to talk to your momma, boy,” Henry thought to say.

I leveled him with a glare. “Don’t call me boy.”

Henry’s upper lip rose. “You think you’re too good to even talk to us? What, Boom took you in and showered you with love, the type you get after suckin’ his dick a few times, and now you’re too good for us?”

In a flash, I grabbed his ratty tee and pulled him close. “Never fuckin’ speak of Boom in that way again.” I shoved him back, and he went a few steps, peddling his arms in a windmill motion. “In fact, I don’t want to hear anythin’ that comes outta either of your mouths.” I turned back around and found Zion scowling at the cockheads.

“Kylo, please,” Samantha begged. “Please, just wait. Your dad doesn’t mean anythin’ he says. He—”

Over my shoulder, I stated, “He ain’t my fuckin’ father, and you’re not my mother. If I see you again, it’ll be too soon, and neither of you will like it.”

“Do not fuckin’ try it, asshole,” Zion warned. “Keep goin’ to the car, Kylo.”

“What, you lettin’ him suck your dick too?” I heard Henry say, and Zion clipped something back, but I kept moving on. I didn’t realize my hands were shaking in rage and disgust until I started to unload the groceries.

I placed the last bag in and slammed the trunk down when a hand landed on my shoulder. “You all right?” Zion asked.

“Yeah, fine,” I said, a little snippy. “Can we just go?”

“Course.” He nodded and went to the passenger side. I got in the driver seat and just sat there for a beat before punching the steering wheel. Why did they have to fucking show their faces? Why did she call out to me? I wished they’d Copyright 2016 - 2024