Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,38

the cleaners came in and got to work. They were paid well to keep their mouths shut. I’d heard that at one of the club meetings.

“As your doctor for the night, I’m ordering you home to rest.” Lucas glanced back at Country. He was smart to get the go-ahead from him.

“State’s already upstairs for his shift to start early. Listen to your doctor, Saint, and that’s an order.”

“Fuckin’ fine.” He glanced over to me. “Prospect, you’re givin’ me a lift.”

It was lucky I took Boom’s car instead of my ride.

“He won’t be a prospect for long,” Country announced. “We’re patchin’ him in as Gun.”

Zion grinned over at me. “Cool name, brother.”

I gave him a chin lift. “Won’t be able to take you home, brother. Got a client tonight,” I reminded him. His grin dropped a little, but he pushed it back on.

“Right.” He nodded.

“Wreck and I will drop you home,” Lucas put in.

“Yeah, thanks, bro, that’d be good.”

Country turned to me. “Why don’t you head up to State? He’ll get you organized.”

“Sounds good.” I gave a wave to the room and left. I didn’t linger on Zion, even though I wanted to.

It wasn’t until I reached the floor State, Wreck, and Country had their office on did I get a text.

Zion: You’re coming here after.

My grip on my phone tightened. If he thought he could order me the fuck around after scaring the shit out of me, he had better guess again.

Zion: Please. I need snuggles and I’m cold without my boo by my side.

My lips twitched, but I fought the smile over his idiocy. Hell, I wanted to, but… ah, fuck it.

Me: I will if you never say shit like that again.

Zion: Even though I know you liked it, I won’t. Later, lover.

Jesus, what the fuck had I got myself into with him?

Chapter Twelve


I must have dozed off, because the next time I woke, there was a hot guy standing over me, holding up the key I’d left out for him.

“Anyone could have fuckin’ grabbed this and come in here to kick your ass.”

Of course, it just made me grin and realize Kylo needed snuggles more than I did. He probably hadn’t admitted to himself that he adored me so much that the whole situation at work had freaked him out, and I wasn’t going to bring it up with him yet.

“Come here,” I ordered, flinging back the covers with my good arm. It was then I took him in. He was in his casual clothes after his client. His hair was still damp from the shower he would have taken at work.

“Did you hear what I said?” he demanded.

“I did, and I think it’s the best time to hug it out.” I patted the bed again. He growled under his breath and ran a hand over his head and back again to scrub down his face. “Come on, hop in, and we can talk about it.”

“No.” He shook his head. “I’m goin’ home.”

I raised a brow. “Are you really gonna make me get out of bed to chase after you?”

He sighed, nibbled on his bottom lip, then cursed, “Fuck.” He paused another beat before starting to remove his clothes. Unfortunately, he kept his boxers on. He turned out the light and slid under the covers. Once beside me, he said, “I’m only doin’ this so you don’t come after me and fuckin’ hurt yourself again.”

“Uh-huh, now come closer.” I smiled.

He grumbled something under his breath but moved over enough I could curl my arm around his shoulders and hug him to me. He rested his head on my shoulder. I hummed, enjoying him being close. Feeling his cool naked skin against mine. It didn’t bother me there were no breasts pushing up against me or that his leg was hairy as he slowly, almost apprehensively, moved it over mine.

I liked Kylo as he was. Even when he had a dick and no pussy.

Go figure.

I grinned into the night, though enough light shined through from the opened curtains. I’d never contemplated being with a guy before. Never really noticed one in a sexual way. It wasn’t until Kylo started talking about how good he was at head that my dick had jerked at the words.

I knew a good-looking guy when I saw one, and Kylo was one. That was a bonus for my attraction toward him, but it was after finding out more about him, the shit he’d been through and the man he was now, that had me Copyright 2016 - 2024