Never a Saint - Lila Rose Page 0,21

good girl.

Me: Mom, I love you, but no.

Mom: Lol, talk to you tomorrow. Love you.

Dad: Boy, just go on one date with one of them for FS. Then your mom will stop harping in my ear.

I groaned.

Me: Dad, I’m not taking one for the team. You married her. You put up with it because I’m not interested at the moment.

Dad: Good luck with her tomorrow then. Then he sent me a GIF of a character laughing hard. The ass.

Shaking my head, I lifted my gaze. “You came back.” I grinned.

“What are you doin’?” he asked.

I put a hand to my heart and spoke in a southern accent, at least to me it sounded like one. “Whatever do you mean?”

His lips twitched, but he wouldn’t give into laughing. “Saint.”

“Yeah?” I asked and took another sip of my drink.

He blinked slowly. “Do you need anythin’ else?”

I licked the alcohol off my lips. His eyes fluttered down to watch the action, and my cock gave a jerk. Kylo wanted to kiss me.

Fuck yeah. I’d be on board with that.

“You want a taste?”

He jerked back. “What?” he whispered harshly.

I leaned in, holding the glass between two hands and asked, “Do you wanna taste my mouth?” His eyes widened even more. He went to look around, but I shook my head and ordered, “Just look at me. I’ll let you know if anyone comes close.”

He opened his mouth, then closed it and threw out a hand. What he didn’t do was answer me.

I grinned. “You gonna tell me, Kylo? Do you wanna kiss me?”

He made a noise in the back of his throat. I wasn’t sure if it was a yes or a no, though. “You confuse me.”

“Good.” I could tell he wasn’t doing well with people around, worried someone would overhear. I’d have to bring this up at a later date since I wouldn’t get anywhere tonight, and really, I needed a decent night’s sleep if I had to be up early to help Lucas and Wreck move.

Then I’d have my house back to myself and I could have anyone over.

It’d be a loss not having Kylo tonight, but the wait would be worth it.

I stood, winked, and said, “See you tomorrow.” On the way out, I said goodbye to other brothers, and before I walked out, I glanced back to catch Kylo watching me. I shot him a wave. Excitement bubbled the fuck up inside me. I was looking forward to getting an answer from him because I reckoned he definitely wanted a taste of my mouth, and I wanted to give him that. I didn’t care I was his boss or that I was fully patched into the club and he wasn’t. What I wanted from Kylo had nothing to do with either of those things. When I was around him outside of the business and club, I was just Zion and he was Kylo. I’d never hold anything over him. I just wanted him.

Chapter Seven


The man had lost his mind. Saint had gone crazy and was pulling me down into insane land as well. Before last night, I’d managed to evade him for a while. It’d been mainly based on luck and how busy he was at work, but then he’d come to the compound and completely set my nerves alight to eat my insides. When he looked at me when I heard his voice, when the women approached him, and then, fucking then when he’d asked me if I wanted to taste his mouth….

Christ, I’d nearly cried yes, but I’d clamped my mouth closed and probably acted like a fool. I couldn’t really remember because I’d been stuck on the words taste and mouth.

“Earth to Kylo,” Quake called. We’d both just arrived to help and stood outside of Lucas and Wreck’s new place. I’d been lost in thought already because I knew Saint would be here and I wasn’t ready to face him.

Do you wanna taste my mouth?

Shaking that thought away, I asked, “Sorry?”

“You okay, brother?” he asked.

I pushed out a laugh. “Yeah, I’m fine,” I told him, and then grabbed my own box from the moving truck and took it inside. I kept myself busy, and every time my mind went to Saint, I thought of something else.

It kind of worked, until I was carrying another box in and I heard Saint in the kitchen saying something about going on a date. The box slipped when I went to lean in more to listen and dropped to the floor. Copyright 2016 - 2024