Never His Girl (Kings of Cypress Prep #2) - Rachel Jonas Page 0,76

him and his crew to just head to the back of the line, but instead, all four are coming this way.

West approaches first, balancing a tray with two lidded cups nestled into it. And in the other hand, a small paper bag.

“Nice of you to join us, boys,” the Coach says, sounding every bit as surly and frustrated as he looks.

“Sorry we cut it so close,” West answers. “Stopped for a few things.”

When he holds up the bag, it earns him an exasperated eye roll, which has West smiling as he settles beside me.

“For you,” he says next, holding out the tray for me to grab one of the two drinks resting there. “I was torn between coffee and hot chocolate, but I figured hot chocolate was a safer bet.”

I peer up at him and, damn it, I’m smiling again.

“Hot chocolate was a good choice. Thanks.”

He responds with a nod. “We had to go to a few different bakeries to find one that practices safe prep for people with nut allergies, but I think we found something you’ll like,” he added.

Guess I know why they were almost late getting here. Because he went out of his way for me.

“I told him to go with Cinnamon Streusel,” Joss chimes in. “The other options all sounded like something my grandmother would choose.”

I glance toward her, laughing a little. “Thank you.”

“Just couldn’t let me have my moment, could you?” West grumbles under his breath with a grin.

Joss, realizing she’s stolen his thunder, leans playfully into his shoulder. “Wait, no! The idea was all his, the effort to find the bakery was all his. I swear, the only part I played was muffin selection,” she promises.

My gaze goes to West again. “Well, even if you had a little help, I appreciate it.”

His stare is almost too intense to look into, but I don’t let myself shy away from it. It isn’t lost on me how easy this feels with him. How our pieces seem to fit together when we let them, when we’re not hellbent on hurting one another.

“All right, load up,” Coach instructs.

We ease up to the door as the bus slowly fills, and once inside, I’m feeling a little torn. I mean, sure it feels like West and crew want me to sit with them, but I don’t want to make any assumptions. You know, and make a complete ass of myself? So, instead of looking like a loser, I drop down into the first available seat.

However, four sets of curious eyes land on me when I do. I blink up at them all, feeling like I just messed up somehow.

“Uh… we don’t sit in the front, Southside,” West informs me with a grin that suddenly has me hotter than the cup in my hand.

Okay so, apparently, I am sitting with them. My effort not to feel like a complete idiot just went right out the window.

Joss reaches for my hand, and then reaches for West’s, linking him and me together. “There. Now, lead the way, King Midas,” she teases.

I still feel a little stuck in my seat as we hold up the line, but when West gently tugs me to my feet, I don’t hesitate to follow. Especially seeing as how he doesn’t let go of my hand.

I stare at him from this angle—being towed behind as he saunters toward whatever seat he has his sights set on. His and his brothers’ staggering height accounts for why they’re ducking a little to avoid hitting their heads. I accept the fact that, any way I look at him, he’s impressive.

We stop at a cluster of seats when he faces me, and one of his perfect brows arches when asking, “Window or aisle?”

“Window,” I answer, and then I’m led into the bench before West drops down beside me.

He takes my drink and muffin while I ease my backpack off. Then, I do the same for him. I swear it’s like we’ve been doing this forever, which only adds to how right all of this feels.

The bus fills and Dane and Sterling grab the seat across the aisle, while Joss takes the one directly in front of us. Instead of leaving space for someone else to join her, she’s piled all our bags there.

“So,” she says chipperly, wearing a huge grin. “I hear you’re partying with us tonight. That true?”

I nod. “That’s the plan, at least.”

“Cool. There’s this eighteen-and-up club everyone’s thinking we’ll hit this time. It’s basically right next door to our hotel. Copyright 2016 - 2024