Never His Girl (Kings of Cypress Prep #2) - Rachel Jonas Page 0,54

you have your answer,” Dane cuts in.

When I shift a questioning gaze toward him, he shrugs.

“You wanted to know if she still cares, if anything you’ve done has mattered,” he explains.

I look at the mess she made of my baby again and try to understand how this is proof of that.

“A hundred bucks says this is Southside’s response to Pandora sharing that half-assed post about you and Parker. If she didn’t care, I guarantee she wouldn’t have flipped out and gone all Girl, Interrupted on your ass.”

His response has me patting both pockets for my phone. When I find it, I’m on the hunt for whatever this post is he’s talking about. I only scroll for a few seconds before the picture pops up.

“The fuck?”

Staring at the image, anger rises in me like the tide. If this hadn’t already been a shit night, it definitely is now. I go from wanting to kill Vin, to wanting to kill whoever the fuck Pandora really is.

I rush toward the Chevelle and unlock it

“You taking off?” Sterling asks.

“Just do me a favor and stick around until they take the car,” I call out, dropping down behind the wheel of the work-of-art I’m grateful Southside didn’t realize is also mine. If she had, there’s not a doubt in my mind I’d be footing the bill to get both cars fixed.

It’s still hard to believe she had the balls to come here—the building where I live—to ruin my shit. But maybe what Dane said is true, and this wasn’t just a random-ass act of destruction. If that’s the case, and this was Southside’s response to thinking something went on between me and Parker tonight, then this counts as a win.

I mean, it’s a fucking loss for my car, but in me and Southside’s twisted slice of existence, it serves as proof she’s not dead inside when it comes to me. Not like she tries to pretend when I walk her from class to class in silence. Not when she bailed on me after semifinals.

So, as I barrel through the streets of downtown Cypress Pointe, headed to the other side of the city, I have one goal in mind. Southside and I are about to own our shit. Whatever that means. All of it.

And no matter what happens, I’m not leaving until it’s done.

Chapter 21


Someone honks at a jaywalker as I move toward the front door, stepping through the dead leaves that’ve gathered in Southside’s yard. I’m not only anxious to get inside and figure out what the hell was going through her head when she swung that bat. I’m also kind of desperate to know if Dane’s theory checks out.

Desperate to know if Southside’s done with me, done with us.

From the outside looking in, a normal person would argue that there is no us, but that someone would be dead-ass-wrong. Because what they’re missing is that there’s always been an us.

Since I wanted to kill my own brother for grinding all over her at the dance.

Since I realized I can’t stand to be touched by any other girl.

Since we fucked and she damn-near made my heart explode inside my chest.

I don’t know how or when it’ll get through to her, but Southside’s gonna realize she’s fucking stuck with me.

The barred security door rattles when I bang my fist against it. It isn’t until now that I even consider her dad might get pissed that I’m stopping by at nearly midnight. Then, I remember what my first impression was of the guy, and that he isn’t worth shit, and suddenly I don’t care if I disturb him.

No one answers, so I bang a second time.

Another gust of wind sweeps through and I shove both hands in my pockets to warm them. But when I glance up, I’m met by the confused gaze of the wrong Riley sister. Or maybe she’s the right one. The one who didn’t come at my car with a bat tonight.

“I need to talk to Blue,” I say through the door.

Scarlett’s response is to stand there, holding the curtain back while she stares, seemingly torn. Seeing as how she once kind of idolized me, having her snub me means she’s seen Pandora’s stupid post. Of course, she’s very much on her sister’s side, which also means she’s suddenly feeling very anti-West tonight.

That’s beautiful.

Fucking great.

I think quickly, before she walks away and leaves my ass standing out here in the cold. Because she’d totally do that. I see it in her eyes. The Copyright 2016 - 2024