Never His Girl (Kings of Cypress Prep #2) - Rachel Jonas Page 0,46


“Was it uncomfortable?” Joss starts. “Did you like it? Oooh! Did she like it?”

“Shut the fuck up,” I mumble, not answering a single one of her dumb ass questions. Not out loud anyway.

They’re not wrong; I’d never done that for a girl. Not before last night. Of course, I’ve wondered if I got it right, but then I stop doubting when I remember how hard she came, and then how fast she fell asleep afterward. For a newb, I’m pretty sure I killed that shit.

Who ever said porn is useless?

There wasn’t much thought that went into it beforehand. Timing felt right, she seemed down for whatever, so I went with it. Only, I hadn’t anticipated she’d jet back to South Cypress right after taking pics at the game. At least, that’s what Pandora’s reporting. Her friend with the red hair popped up at the hotel, helped Southside load up her things, then they took off.

I mean, I didn’t expect her to completely soften toward me in one night, but damn. Not even a ‘see you later, asshole’ before she hightailed it home?

It dawns on me that I’m practically pining over her when I start scrolling through Pandora’s pics again, checking to see if any were taken of her carrying at least one dozen of the roses I bought. When I realize she’s only seen with her suitcase, it guts me a little.

The only thing better about this time is that she didn’t call that dick, Ricky, to come to her rescue. That’s something, I guess.

What the hell is wrong with me? Girl’s got me acting like such a fucking pussy.

Suddenly, the urge hits me to crush beer cans on my forehead, lift weights, barbecue or some shit that’ll reassert my masculinity. Can’t have her turning me soft. I’m the guy who crushes those guys.

“Let’s lay off him,” Sterling speaks up, cutting into the laugh Joss and Dane are having at my expense.

With my back still to the room, I smile a little. I’d give any one of them at least this hard a time if the tables were turned and they know it.

“All right, all right,” Dane interjects, catching his breath to speak. “So, we see luxurious hotel rooms, flowers, and mediocre head don’t work with this girl. So, what’s next on the list?”

“Mediocre?” I scoff. “She damn-near woke the neighbors screaming my name, so let’s get that shit straight.”

“Ew! TMI!” Joss screeches.

“Well, whatever the case, we need a new approach,” is Sterling’s take.

We’re all quiet for a moment, thinking.

“I’m not so sure about that.”

I glance toward Dane from over my shoulder. “Meaning?”

He shrugs before explaining. “You came on strong, told her the truth—”

“Part of the truth,” Joss amends, which has Dane rolling his eyes.

“Well, part of the truth, but you proved your point. Now, I think you should fall back. Continue giving her space so she knows you respect that these things take time. But while you wait, keep showing up to walk her to class, keep showing her you’re trying, and just let nature take its course. At the very least, she has to be a little less pissed at you than when this all began. I mean, right?”

His question has me shrugging. “Hell if I know,” I say. “Guess we’ll find out soon enough.”

No one responds and I go back to staring out the window, like Southside’s lost dog.

Fuck this.

“We partying or not?” I ask, breaking the silence. “We won today. That deserves a celebration.”

Dane’s face lights up. “Fuck yeah it does.”

He and Joss are off the bed the next second, and I swear Sterling has one shoe on before I even finish my sentence.

I’m not exactly in the mood for a crowd, for being the center of attention, but I sure as hell don’t want to sit here wondering if I just got played. It’s not outside the realm of possibility that Southside simply wants me to feel this shit—used, uncertain, sort of insecure—but I won’t let it consume me.

We’re one step closer to the championship win and I won’t let anything bring me down from this well-earned high.

At least… that’s what I’ll let people think, anyway.


Karma really is a heartless bitch, ain’t she?

@QweenPandora: Dare I say the king is back?

Based on these images taken from tonight’s party, The Golden Boys are enjoying every second of this latest victory. Only, it hasn’t gone unnoticed that one Golden, in particular, has been keeping the fangirls at bay. Sure, he danced, he drank, he was the life of Copyright 2016 - 2024