Never His Girl (Kings of Cypress Prep #2) - Rachel Jonas Page 0,100

been tossed around a lot lately. And I know firsthand that business is booming.”

“How can you tell?”

He flashes a look out the window, toward the blue Mustang parked in the lot.

“Because Uncle Paul’s been real generous with the early Christmas gifts,” he explains.

I stare at his new ride, finding it hard not to wonder what the true cost of it was. And I’m not talking cash value.

“Like I said, I don’t push back too much, because I can’t let on that I’m suspicious, but… I’m suspicious as fuck,” he admits. It also isn’t lost on me that he almost sounds nervous. And Ricky Ruiz doesn’t get nervous.

The shaking in my hands gets worse and my appetite is gone now.

“You said there’s a word you keep hearing,” I remind him. “Can you tell me what it is?”

On some level, I’m not even sure I want to know, but being kept in the dark hasn’t done me any good so far. I need to understand what’s happening around us.

Even if the reality of it scares the shit out of me.

Ricky holds my gaze, breathing heavy for a moment, but then just comes right out with it.


There’s a sudden twisting in my gut. It’s an indication that this seemingly innocent word is anything but that.

“Cargo,” I repeat.

He nods. “And if I’m right about what that means, I’m even more convinced that I need to find out why that asshole has that pic of you.”

My breathing’s erratic as I search Ricky’s expression for some measure of comfort, but I find none. He’s just as worried as I am and that’s unusual.

“Promise me you won’t dig too deep,” I say in a rush, not even sure where the words came from. I’m aware that we need answers, but I’m not willing to let him risk his life for them.

“I promised your brother I’d look after you, which is exactly what I intend to do.”

He sounds so determined, despite the impending danger I know we both sense.

“Seriously, Ricky. If something doesn’t feel right, you have to pull back.”

A wary smile touches his lips and it only makes me more uneasy. “I’ll be fine. If shit gets bad, I can protect myself.”

I know what that means, have seen the heat he keeps tucked into the back of his jeans, but he’s one guy, and whatever operation stands behind all this might be backed by an entire army.

It dawns on me that I’ve fought long and hard to build a life for me and Scar here in Cypress Pointe, but with what appears to be unfolding before me, I’m second-guessing that plan. Maybe what I should’ve been focused on was thinking of a way to get us out of here.

Chapter 39


Apparently, I looked so stressed out after our talk, Ricky thought I needed a couple hours to myself. To relax, I guess.

It’s the reason Scar is currently chilling at the Ruiz’s place for a bit, giving me a chance to clear my head.

I feel super guilty she’s out again, especially seeing as how Ricky had gotten Scar from school when he picked up Shane, but I know he doesn’t mind even a little. This sense of being a burden is only a reflection on me. Not Ricky. Not his family.

I’ve been sitting in my driveway a few minutes now, staring at my front door with dread weighing down my heart. Things just feel so heavy. Even heavier than they were months ago when Mom first left. My only solace is that Scar’s probably having fun, not even thinking about any of it.

I groan and step out of the car, into the fresh layer of snow that’s fallen. Not more than a couple seconds later, there’s movement in my peripheral. I turn and spot a dark, shiny SUV creeping along at first, but then it stops near the foot of the driveway.

The conversation with Ricky has me on high-alert, feeling more paranoid than usual, but I try to dismiss the feeling that rests in the pit of my gut. It’s the one that’s telling me something’s not right, telling me to run despite there being no clear indication of danger.

Relax, Blue. Everyone’s not out to get you.

Stopping at the trunk, I grab my duffle bag from practice and my backpack, but before I can even slam it closed…

“A word, Ms. Riley?”

I turn and find that the driver of the SUV has rolled the passenger-side window down to speak to me. He’s young-ish, sporting a gold-toned goatee and bald head, Copyright 2016 - 2024