Never Have You Ever (The Love Game #1)- Elizabeth Hayley Page 0,95

he’d left, and I honestly didn’t want to know if Drew had kept that relationship while disregarding mine.

My throat grew tight as I let a finger lightly skim over a picture of all of us at Aamee’s costume party.

“I wasn’t sure about putting those on there,” Carter explained, his voice the softest and gentlest I’d ever heard it. “But I figured that they were still good times, even if it ended. Did I mess it up?”

I shook my head, unable to trust my voice at first. After swallowing the emotions down, I said, “No. It’s perfect. I love it.”

Carter smiled at that and opened his mouth to speak, but the shrill ring of my phone interrupted him. Looking down, I saw my dad’s name.

“One sec,” I said before answering. “Hi, Dad.” I stood and walked into the kitchen to get a bottle of water for Carter and me.

“Hi, Soph. You all packed up?”

I looked around at the apartment that seemed so empty without my stuff hanging around. I’d begun sleeping at the sorority house again but had left a few of my things at Brody’s that I wanted to grab before going home for the holiday break.

I’d told Carter to meet me there in order to keep things peaceful with Aamee. Tomorrow, my dad was driving down to pick me up for winter break, and while he was keeping the apartment for Brody—who was supposed to be coming home in time for Christmas and to resume his own identity for the spring semester—I’d be heading back to the sorority house.

“Yup. All set.”

“Good. And still no sign of that boy, right?”

Rolling my eyes, I answered, “No, I have not seen Drew. And you’d think you’d be a little more grateful to him. Brody just got the best report card of his life.” Why I was defending Drew was beyond me, but nothing I was saying was untrue.

“Yes, well, thank heavens he was good for something. At least he was smart enough to get good grades and know when to leave well enough alone.”

I froze at that. “What do you mean, ‘leave well enough alone’?”

“What? Oh, nothing. I’m just glad he’s out of our lives is all.”

I opened my mouth to call my dad on what was clearly bullshit, but Carter ran over to me and thrust his phone in my face.

“Hang on a second, Dad,” I said, putting him on mute. “What is that?” I asked, squinting at the picture that was too close to my face. I pulled back a bit. “Why are you showing me a picture of an accident?”

“Look right there,” Carter said, his voice sounding panicked as he pointed at the screen. “Isn’t that Drew’s bike?”

I looked harder at the picture for a second before my eyes widened in alarm. “Oh my God,” I whispered.

And then I did the only thing I could think of. I hung up on my dad and got my coat.


First and foremost we have to thank Meredith Wild for always believing in our writing and inviting us to be part of the Waterhouse Team. We’re thankful that you thought of us for a rom-com series and that you trust in our humor.

To our swolemate, Scott, thanks for making the editing process smooth and for always trusting us to get a story where it needs to be. You’re always there to provide insight when we need it, and you’ve helped make our books the best they could be.

To Robyn, thank you for answering our million and one questions and for stepping in and taking control of things when we were floundering. We’re sorry we’re such disasters sometimes.

To the rest of the Waterhouse Press team, you simply kick ass. Thank you for everything you do to help us be as successful as we can. You’re an amazing group of people, and we’re lucky to have the honor of working with you.

To our Padded Roomers, you all are such a tremendous group of people. It’s tough to find people as crazy as we are, and we’ve truly found our tribe with you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us, such as posting teasers, sharing links, reading ARCs, writing reviews, and making us laugh. We don’t deserve you, but we’re damn glad to have you.

To our readers, there’s no way to accurately thank you for taking a chance on us and for your support. Thank you for letting us share our stories with you.

To Google, thank you for providing the means for us to research things including, but not limited to, fraternities, sororities, marketing degrees, alcoholic drinks, dean responsibilities, business class topics, college codes of conduct, Gen Z lingo, and popular clothing trends.

To our sons for inspiring the last names of our main characters. Our lack of originality strikes again.

To Elizabeth’s daughter for being a spitfire and inspiring the way in which she wrote Sophia’s character.

To our husbands, we know it’s not easy. Thanks for hanging in there. We honestly don’t deserve you.

To each other, for pushing one another forward when we stall. The ride hasn’t been easy, but it’s sure as hell been a lot of fun. On to the next.

Continue The Love Game Series With Book Two

Available November 24

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Also by Elizabeth Hayley

The Love Game:

Never Have You Ever

Truth or Dare You

Two Truths & a Lime

Love Lessons:

Pieces of Perfect

Picking Up the Pieces

Perfectly Ever After

Sex Snob (A Love Lessons Novel)


Misadventures with My Roommate

Misadventures with a Country Boy

Misadventures in a Threesome

Misadventures with a Twin

Misadventures with a Sexpert

Other Titles:

The One-Night Stand

For a full list of Elizabeth Hayley’s other titles,

visit them at

About Elizabeth Hayley

Elizabeth Hayley is actually “Elizabeth” and “Hayley,” two friends who love reading romance novels to obsessive levels. This mutual love prompted them to put their English degrees to good use by penning their own. The product was Pieces of Perfect, their debut novel. They learned a ton about one another through the process, like how they clearly share a brain and have a persistent need to text each other constantly (much to their husbands’ chagrin).

They live with their husbands and kids in a Philadelphia suburb. Thankfully, their children are still too young to read their books.

For more information, please visit Elizabeth Hayley at: Copyright 2016 - 2024