Never Have You Ever (The Love Game #1)- Elizabeth Hayley Page 0,75

and I began herding all the bachelors backstage to get ready. Once they were situated, I did another lap to make sure the party was still running smoothly. Which ended up being a mistake because it caused me to run into Aamee.

She stepped into my path, looking around haughtily. “Your event seems to be going well. Hopefully your auction idea works out.”

Her voice was dubious, as if she doubted it would. Not that I expected otherwise. And since I’d hoped her party would be a monumental flop, I couldn’t fault her for it.

“Thanks,” I replied brusquely as I moved around her.

“I’m excited your brother is participating.”

Her words stilled me, and I slowly turned my head so I was looking at her. “Why?”

She shrugged innocently. “Since he’s on the market for men and women, he’ll probably be pretty popular. There may even be a bidding war. I’m looking forward to seeing the action.”

She couldn’t know how much her words bothered me. Couldn’t know that I’d been dreading having to watch people bid on my secret boyfriend. Could she?

“Good,” I replied with conviction I didn’t feel. “Whatever helps us raise more money for charity.” I hoped the words hit her where it hurt. There was a very real chance she was going to lose this fight, and whatever games she was playing weren’t going to change that.

Her eyes flashed for a second, but she didn’t otherwise react. Which was a real shame. “Good luck.” The words would’ve sounded more heartfelt coming from the villain in Taken.

I watched as she flounced away for a moment before mentally shaking myself, and then I made my way to where the bachelors were. I’d almost made it when I heard a booming voice.


I whirled around to see Carter striding toward me with Joey trailing behind him. I felt my eyes narrow as I took them in. Were they friends now?

When Carter reached me, he stepped close, his face jutting over my shoulder as he spoke lowly. “I’m here to save the day.”

Oh God.

“It’s nighttime,” I replied, my smartass remark cloaking the worry over what Carter thought needed saving.

“Then I’m here to save the night.”

“Whose night?”


Pinching the bridge of my nose, I took a deep breath. “Okay. Against my better judgment, I’m going to ask you to explain.”

“Well, I know Brody is worried about who might bid on him. So I figured we could just have Joey do it.”

I glanced over at Joey to see if he’d heard any of what Carter said, but he’d stayed a bit away from us.

“You told him?” I asked, my voice low but still harsh and accusing. I knew Carter wouldn’t be able to keep his damn mouth shut.



Carter looked over his shoulder as if he’d forgotten the other man was with him.

“Oh. No. He still thinks Drew’s Brody. And gay. That’s why he’s willing to bid on him. He wants a second date something fierce.” Carter hesitated. “I’m starting to see the flaws in this plan.”

“Jesus Christ,” I muttered.

“No, listen, it’s still good. Having a dude win will help get the gay plot line back.”

“Plot line?”

“Yeah. Before you two made shit all complicated by sucking each other’s faces off in public, everyone thought Drew was gay. This will help us get back to that.”

This was insanity. Absolute Carter-induced insanity.

Unfortunately, it was a better plan than having some chick bidding on Drew. We’d made it clear when we’d promoted the party that there was no sexual element to this auction—no one was buying a sex slave. But these were still horny college kids.

At least if Joey won, I wouldn’t have to worry about Joey hitting on him. Not because Joey wouldn’t, but I felt better knowing Drew wouldn’t be tempted by his advances.

And then I felt like shit for thinking Drew would be tempted by anyone’s advances, but I quickly set that aside. I could only deal with one crisis at a time.

“This is a horrible idea,” I said, but the words lacked any conviction.

“You have a better one?” Carter asked.

“Is Joey bidding with his own money?” I asked instead of answering.

“Hell no. I gave him two hundred bucks and told him he could keep whatever was left over. I didn’t think people would be willing to bid too much for a guy of ambiguous sexual interests.”

“Ambiguous interests?”

“Yeah. Guys, girls, sisters. He’s fucking complicated.”

Why did I ask?

“Okay, I’ll pay you back.”

“No worries. You’ve been tutoring me for free for months. We’ll just call it even.”

I gave him a small smile. “Thanks. Copyright 2016 - 2024