Never Have You Ever (The Love Game #1)- Elizabeth Hayley Page 0,11

voices provided a steady soundtrack to my journey across campus.

I hiked my bag up higher on my shoulder before heading in the direction of the on-campus coffee shop called Rise and Grind. I don’t think I made it twenty feet before I heard my name being called.

By the time I located the direction the voice was coming from, Carter had already jogged up beside me.

“Hey,” he said. “I meant to text you, but football’s been crazy. How’d everything go with Aamee?”

He fell into step beside me as I spoke. “Oh, it went awesome. Up until she held some kind of pagan ritual and kicked me out of the sorority house.”

That caused him to stop suddenly. “Wait, are you fucking serious? She kicked you out because I fell asleep? She can’t really do that, can she?”

“Apparently her Royal Highness can do whatever she damn well pleases. But don’t worry. I plan to scour the sorority’s code of conduct and find a way back in.” I hadn’t really thought of doing that up until the words had left my mouth, but as I processed them, I felt the conviction in them. There had to be a loophole or a rule somewhere that would get me back into the house.

“Man, she’s a savage. I didn’t think she’d be that extreme.”

“Eh, I kinda did. She’s been shaking her milkshake in your direction for four years in an attempt to bring you to her yard. I knew she’d be pissed.”

Carter looked thoughtful for a moment. “That’s probably the least sexy reference to that song I’ve ever heard.”

“Being the least sexy is kind of a hobby of mine.”

He laughed and bumped his shoulder against mine. “Yeah right, princess.”

My face scrunched up. “Don’t call me that. I hate nicknames.”

I heard a throat clear behind us. “Is that so, Fifi?”

Carter and I whirled around to see Aamee standing behind us. I had no idea how long she’d been standing there, but judging from the smug smile on her face, I doubted she’d heard much. She’d have been plotting how to make my death look like an accident if she’d heard me tell Carter about her milkshake.

“Fifi?” Carter asked.

“Say it again and you can find a new psych tutor.” Then I turned my attention to the evil spawn masquerading as a sorority president. “Aamee, to what do I owe the pleasure?” My voice was saccharine and my smile so broad, I could’ve been portraying the Joker.

Lazarus’s campus wasn’t enormous, but it was big enough that the odds were against my running into the two people who caused my eviction. Fate seemed to be having a great time at my expense lately.

Aamee waved her phone in front of me and said, “I just wanted to come check in on the newest internet sensation.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Had she been huffing glue? Surely there was a Zeta Eta Chi bylaw against that.

“You’re all over Instagram saying your English professor likes dick. I’m surprised at you, Sophia. You always seemed more open-minded and…proper than that.”

It took a few seconds for her words to fully sink in, but when they did, I would’ve sworn my heart actually dropped out of my body. “I didn’t say that.”

“Oh, I think you did. I have the video to prove it.”

“That’s not at all what happened.” And why the hell was someone filming me anyway? Though I knew the answer. Some students were too lazy to take notes and filmed the classes instead. I’d likely been caught on film accidentally.

“It kinda looked like what happened,” Carter added.

I shot my gaze to him. “You saw it too! Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I meant to. It’s how I knew where you were. Then I got distracted.”

“Jesus Christ,” I muttered. “I wasn’t talking about Dr. Cranston. I just had bad timing.”

Aamee took a step closer to me. “Whoever you were talking about, you didn’t sound as accepting as I’d expect a Zeta Eta Chi sister to be. I’m not sure we have any room for bigots in our house.”

The heart I thought I’d lost moments ago began pumping blood furiously throughout my body as anger took over. Pointing a finger at Aamee, I warned, “You better not twist this into something it’s not. I was talking to Emma. She’ll vouch for me. I wasn’t saying it to be negative. I was merely stating a fact.”

She scoffed. “Of course your little lapdog would vouch for you. But the video doesn’t lie.”

I wanted to yell at her that of Copyright 2016 - 2024