Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,91

my feelings.”

When Trevor and I didn’t go through with our wedding, I had cut up the dress out of pure hatred and rage one night. I’d never be wearing it for him and if I ever got engaged again I would have a whole new dress anyway. The flowers were in Halley’s room so I never got my hands on those. I probably would have lit them on fire and just watched them burn until there was nothing but ashes left. I would have no use for them either ever again.

“No go ahead. You helped pay for them anyway. Consider it one of my gifts to you and Marcus. Anything you need that’s in your room you can use, if not just throw it away.”

“Awesome. Thank you so much Mace. Ohmigod I can’t believe I’m getting married in a few months!”

Marcus really was her knight in shining armor. I couldn’t wait to stand by her that day.

“I know! It’ll be here before we know it. I’m so excited for you guys!”

“Oh, one more thing, you better plan me one hell of a bachelorette party.”

“Really, do you expect a crappy one? Don’t you worry about that, you have plenty of other things to plan and worry about. I’ve got this don’t start stressing!”

Luke was standing by me laughing and running his hand along my back and then around my stomach and up my shirt. I giggled trying to push his hand away but I was failing horribly. He always won, but then I let him. There was no fun in him losing.

“Ohmigod are ya’ll having sex? Gross Macy!”

I was in a giggle fit trying to catch my breath. Between her accusation and him now practically tickling me I replied, “No Hales, but if I don’t hang up soon you may hear more than you want to hear!”

She groaned and laughed out a good bye and we hung up the phone. I threw the phone on the couch and jumped into his arms. I could get lost in him and nothing else mattered. Gary really approved of Luke. Anytime we went to The Lounge, I practically had to pry Gary away from him. You could almost swear they had a bromance going on. I hadn’t heard anything about Mom since Gary gave me the news a few months back that she had taken the asshole back. I don’t think I’d smiled this much my whole life.

He carried me to the room and as he laid me on the bed, I noticed all my boxes on the floor. I really needed to start unpacking but that was hard to think about with him running his hands up and down my body. While I packed my things from my old apartment, the one thing I almost had a hard time parting with was the stuffed tiger. It was the last thing I had that reminded me of Trevor. Halley had sat with me while I cried trying to figure out what to do. Ultimately, I donated it to a local thrift store. Someone else could find happiness in it.

“I really need to unpack.” I got out in between kisses.

“You have all the time in the world to do that.” He replied as his mouth went from my ear to my neck. “Right now all you need to do is be here with me.”

I let out a grin and brought our mouths together. With him I just knew I would never have to worry about being never enough for him. Happily ever after never felt so good.

Thank you!!

Thank you for taking a chance on this book! I had a lot of fun writing it and creating these characters so I hope each and every one of you who have read it enjoyed it!

A super big thanks to my fiancée and daughter for dealing with me sitting in front of the laptop for hours on end trying to make this happen. Thank you for putting up with me when I wouldn’t let you read over my shoulder while I was working. I love you honey for buying my Nook last year and helping me find my love of reading again. I’ve read so many amazing books that my fiancée didn’t realize I owned until recently. (Sorry!) I love them so much for believing in me and helping me get to where I am now.

Thanks to my parents and grandparents for always believing in me and telling me I can do anything I want.

Thanks to my best friend Adrienne who read this as I wrote it and cheered me on with our drinks in hand. Her honest opinion kept me going. She’s the best word police I know! Without her and my fiancée I may have thrown in the towel a long time ago!

Thank you to Teresa Mummert for helping me in the beginning and referring me to Robin Harper who made my amazing cover. These ladies were absolutely amazing in all of this and answered all my crazy questions!

Everyone along this journey has been absolutely amazing, I can’t say that enough and trust me I could go on and on so thank you to everyone!

Who knows, if this book turns out to be a success, then I just may add on to their story. Hey who am I kidding? I was already planning on it! So thank you to everyone who has purchased this book. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you like it! 

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