Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,77

downed a few bottles of water and a few drinks at this point. I forgot how much dancing could take out of you.

Standing by the bar, I heard a voice that was all too familiar and I didn’t want to turn around. This was a nightmare. You’re just imagining it Macy. Take a deep breath and relax. I tried and I heard the voice again. What the hell was he doing here? Had he ever even been in this bar before? Hell I wouldn’t know. We dated briefly then he knocked me up and I didn’t dare step into a bar after that, not while I was still pregnant. I threw back my shot and began sipping on a beer this time. Maybe he hadn’t noticed me.

“Macy, what are you doing here?” Fuck. There went my nice night. How did I get so lucky for him to notice me?

I spun around and hid any emotions I had for him far away. “Obviously I’m having a good time. You know how that is. You’ve done it for a week and a half, no sorry three weeks.” Two can play this game. “Where’s your homewrecking bitch?” I stood on my tiptoes and began looking to see if she were going to dare show her face around me again.

He looked hurt but I didn’t care. “I’m not seeing her anymore Mace. I want you.”

“Too bad. I don’t want you.” Lying hurt so badly but it was the only way I could survive this. It was the only way I could begin to really move on with my life. “I’m here with someone.” Luke had been waiting for his drink and he never saw Trevor walk up. He was here now though, that’s all that mattered.

Trevor looked him up and down several times, I’m assuming sizing him up before he spoke. “Who is this Macy? Don’t do anything stupid please.” His eyes were begging me and for a brief moment I thought he might cry. At this point I may have laughed in his face, but I controlled that.

Luke stepped up and put his arm around me and kissed my forehead. Trevor looked pale. I’d never seen him like this. Wait no, I’d seen him like this one other time when we told me he’d actually slept with her. Jealousy didn’t suit him, but now he knew what it felt like. “Trevor, this is Luke. Not that it matters to you.”

“Can I talk to you alone Mace?” His eyes searched mine for anything to tell him I still loved him but I had become so good at shoving things in the back of my mind; he was unable to find anything.

“Anything you have to say to me you can say in front of Luke.” Checkmate. I knew he wasn’t going to bring up anything of ours in front of a complete stranger. And if he dared try to, I would have politely put him back in his place. Like I predicted he said nothing and just stared. “I’m going to finish enjoying my night. Go find Taylor, I’m sure she wants you.”

Being the defiant bitch I am, I leaned up and kissed Luke long and hard on the lips and hand in hand I led him back out to the dance floor. Trevor had left. I blinked back a few tears then put on my brave face. Luke leaned in and whispered into my ear, “Who was that?”

I smiled and replied, “No one that concerns us tonight. Sorry about that.”

He nibbled my ear again and whispered, “Good.” Electricity soared through my veins as we made our way back out and danced to the next song.

Several drinks later I looked into his eyes and pushed Trevor further back in my mind. Luke was hot and he was just the release I needed. I’d already been having the time of my life tonight. I pulled my phone out to text Halley: ‘Be home tomorrow. I’m safe. Love you.’ Somehow I managed to spell everything correctly because the screen looked quite blurry to me. Trevor also sent a text begging me not to do anything stupid. Fuck him.

Luke leaned into my ear and whispered, “Come back to my place?” Yes sir. I got ready to agree then remembered I drove my car and Gary would see my car left overnight.

“I’d love to.” I smiled up at him. “But one teeny request.” He smiled in amusement and waited. “Can we take my car?” He didn’t question me just Copyright 2016 - 2024