Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,39

model it for me one day?” He definitely had no shame in his game. He gave the picture one more look and then placed it back.

I looked into those gorgeous eyes. A smile escaped my lips as he leaned in to kiss me. “I may still have it lying around who knows?” He threw me back on the bed and kissed me, tickling my sides and playing around.

I finally managed to escape. The living room was clear. Good. Halley and Marcus were still sleeping so I decided to sprint down to the bathroom and clean up. Trevor lay in the bed watching me get my clothes and he smiled constantly. I left him lying on the bed and ran. The warm water was refreshing as it ran off my body. I loved the new body wash I bought. The smell of vanilla and brown sugar filled the bathroom as I washed up. I wrapped a towel around my body and my hair as I finished. I grabbed my clothes and went to put them on. I felt a wild streak come across me and I semi dried my hair as I ran my fingers through it. I opened the bathroom door and peeked out. The coast was still clear. I darted back to the room, shut the door, dropped the towel and jumped on Trevor.

We lay in bed naked holding each other. Calmness filled my soul. I never knew what it was like to feel safe and have someone there for you. Someone to take care of you and love you uncontionally. These things were all foreign to me and I was trying like hell to adapt to it. I knew I was safe with him.

We couldn’t lie in bed all day though. Halley would soon come bursting inside if we stayed under the comforter and that would be super awkward to be found naked. She’d never let me live that one down, if she ever recovered from seeing it.

“What you want to do today?” I asked seriously but he was grinning so big I began laughing. “What are you grinning about Trevor?”

His eyes sparkled and he replied, “I want to stay here all day with you like this.”

My cheeks turned pink and I smacked his arm. “Well I’d love to too but we can’t. I promise we will do this later though.”

“God I love you. Why did I take so long to be with you?”

I felt myself almost get angry. What did he mean why did he take so long? Did he want to do it sooner? He knew everything but obviously he was still the typical man.

“Mace, did I say something wrong?” He sensed my anger and I bit my tongue to keep from completely lashing out and sounding crazy.

“Nothing I’m probably over reacting.” He looked at me puzzled. “You said why did I take so long to get with you. What’s wrong with when we had sex? Two months was killing you? Go find a groupie then.” That came out wrong and I sensed trouble. Why did I forget to use the muzzle on my mouth? Great. Good job Macy.

“What are you talking about?” He wasn’t mad but he had a confused look on his face. I got up and began putting my jeans on and a black blouse. My almost dry hair was hanging down my back. “I didn’t mean it like that babe. I was saying I wish I had begun trying to talk to you before we did. I don’t want anyone but you. Don’t say things like that they hurt.”

He stuck his lip out and began pouting. Ohmigod I was an idiot. “I’m sorry for jumping at you like that. I’m an idiot Trevor. I’m just not used to all this.” I kissed him and he stood up to hug me.

“I love you, Mace. You’re not an idiot.” He threw on his clothes from last night. He didn’t bring any clothes with him. At least he still smelt heavenly. I could smell him all day and I know that sounded creepy but trust me.

Our fingers laced together and we went into the kitchen where Halley was waiting and eyeing me suspiciously. I flashed her a grin as I fixed a cup of coffee and her jaw dropped. She knew exactly what happened.

Trevor went and sat on the couch with Marcus and they began talking band business. That wasn't hard to figure out, I mean what else could they possibly be talking about? Marcus Copyright 2016 - 2024