Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,37

door for me and we let ourselves inside. Halley and Marcus must have already retired to the room. That was nothing new and I was determined to scurry into the bedroom so I didn’t have the chance to possibly hear anything. I was already basically scarred for life from my other experience. I didn’t need to be scarred any further from hearing my best friend get her groove on. I grabbed his hand and let him to the room and shut the door.

Chapter 8

Trevor kissed my forehead and looked at me with concern in his eyes. I hated that look. He didn’t say anything though. Just smiled and asked if he could shower. I showed him where the towels and everything he would need were located and he kissed me one more time and disappeared into the bathroom. If Halley were awake she’d probably tell me to go join him. I laughed at all the ways that could go wrong. Either I would slip and fall or he would reject me. Oh god, I wasn’t ready for rejection. Maybe all this was a bad idea. Maybe it was too soon. He probably didn’t even want to have sex with me yet. I slipped out of my jeans and threw on some soft shorts. I threw my bra and shirt in the hamper and put on a tank top. This was close to my normal sleep wear, I wasn’t going to sleep all bundled up just because he was here. He was my boyfriend for crying out loud.

I just finished putting my hair in a ponytail when he walked in wearing some dark gray boxers and a white shirt. He smelt amazing just out of the shower. I wanted to pinch myself like that one day but I looked crazy that day and it hurt so I decided to relive it would be unnecessary.

He walked up to me and pulled me into him and kissed me long and hard. Finally. He finished the kiss he started in the bar. My heart was pounding in my chest. When he pulled back he smiled, “I love you. I’m glad you asked me to stay the night with you.”

My mouth opened but no words came out. All we did was kiss and I was trying to catch my breath. After a few seconds I replied, “I love you too.”

I sat down and he sat beside me. I wondered who was supposed to start what but then my brain reminded me that he had no idea I had been thinking about this all night. I leaned over and wrapped my arms around his neck and began kissing him again. He didn’t stop me. He kissed me back just as passionately as before and placed his arms around my waist. His hand went under my shirt and brushed against my bare skin. His touch felt electric. I wanted more. I fumbled with his shirt and tried to raise it up. This was not as easy as the movies made it look.

He paused and looked at me. “Mace, are you sure?”

I answered rather breathy, “Yes.”

He took his shirt off and damn Halley if she wasn’t right. Any self-control I had just left the building. The ripples in his abs were amazing. I ran my hand over his stomach and brought them back around his neck. I noticed a few tattoos on his chest I’d never seen before, holy moly. He began kissing me again and slowly lowered me to the bed. His body was hovering just inches over mine. His lips moved from my mouth to my neck and I let out a slight moan. He kissed my collarbone and back up my neck and met my mouth again. My heart was pounding harder than before. It felt like it were going to beat right out my chest. He raised me up some and began to lift my shirt. Before he continued he met my eyes for approval and I nodded. My shirt came off and he kissed me again. His trail of kisses went back down my neck and his mouth went around my breast and I moaned again. He sucked my nipple while he caressed the other. Several moans of pleasure left my mouth.

“Ohmigod Trevor..”

He continued then switched to the other. His hand brushed my stomach and met my shorts. My body wanted him. I raised my hips and with ease he removed my shorts. The fear I had earlier suddenly subsided. I know I Copyright 2016 - 2024