Never Enough - By Ashley Johnson Page 0,3

painting hang there. I told her whatever and she did what she wanted. See, that was my compromise. I mainly stayed in my room when I was there and she did the same.

Groggily I got up, found my slippers and began to slowly walk to the kitchen. I needed an aspirin now. My head was pounding. I really believed it may explode into a thousand tiny pieces. And that would royally suck because I was too hungover to even think about being able to pick those pieces up. A thousand pieces would take forever to find, that’s not how I wanted to spend my day. Part of me hoped that Halley was either sleeping or not home. I did not want any judgment for my irresponsible actions lately. I was an adult after all. I may only be 23 but dammit, that is still considered an adult. Little did I know that when I turned the corner she was waiting for me. Damn the luck.

"Good morning sleepy head. What’d I miss last night?" Halley was a veterinary assistant. She worked hard while she was in school and she loved everything about her job. She usually tries to meet me at The Lounge after work but she had a long day yesterday and she informed me she would be sleeping and not to wake her when I decided to walk or stumble in.

She was a little too perky this morning with her cup of coffee in hand. She leaned against the counter trying to sound as interested as she could in what I had to say. I wanted to take her coffee and pour it down the drain so she could be miserable like me.

"Ugh, whisper please." I continued to hold my forehead like it was going to fall off. Halley wasn’t talking very loud but it sounded like a she was speaking into a bullhorn in my ear. I wished my feet would move back towards my room where there was peace and quiet. They were stubborn and too tired to even think about moving. Wonderful.

"Rough night huh? I wanted to go by but Marcus called and wanted to grab dinner before he went to The Lounge and I was too tired to even think of going to drink so I came home after we ate. Did you sing last night? Oh how was the band? I haven't talked to him since last night." Marcus Walker was her new friend and also the drummer in Trevor’s band. I say friend because they really didn’t label themselves yet but they were so cute together. They were probably better off that way. Things that were labeled tended to be a little more trouble than they needed to be. Halley and Marcus have known each other for about a year and recently began seeing each other after nothing but casual short conversations. She'd seemed so much happier since she found him.

He was about her height, which was around 5‘5“and he had a short brown buzz haircut. He looked like he could probably be some sort of MMA fighter but he was just mainly fit from playing the drums. Marcus was extremely laid back and so funny to have around. She fit comfortably in his arms when he stood beside her and she always looked so content.

"Oh it’s cool." I popped an aspirin in my mouth and chased it with a glass of water praying it would begin to kick in. "Yea, I sang before they got on stage. I couldn’t tell you what I sang though; I think I was gone by then. They did a few covers last night; I’ve never heard them play these before. Sounded good from what I remember. Or maybe I have heard them before and I just don’t remember. Who knows?" My lips curved into a smile. Sometimes I just couldn’t hold back that I had an attraction to Trevor. Halley had to know. If not her best friend radar was way off.

"Macy Young! You really need to slack on that drinking sometimes. One day something’s going to happen to you and it’s not going to be good! Did you drive yourself home? Please tell me you didn't." Geez I swear smoke was getting ready to come out of her ears. She stood there in the kitchen with one hand on her hip fussing like a mom with her teenager. Wonderful. I wanted to laugh at her but my head was pounding too much for that.

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