Needing You Close - Kennedy Fox Page 0,6

me home,” I demand, wishing I would’ve driven myself.

He throws his head back and lets out a boom of a laugh as he sits next to me, but instead of it being welcoming, it forces a chill up my spine. “Not fucking happening.”

I try to wiggle from his grasp, but he doesn’t let go. Instead, he only holds me tighter. Anger rises, and I grit down, holding my tongue as I try to figure out how I’m going to get the hell out of here. My phone is in my purse across the room.

My thoughts are a jumbled mess, but I need to calm down to think clearly.

“The plan was for you to sleep over and stay with me, so you will. I won’t be taking you anywhere but to my bedroom. Would you like a drink?”

He gets up, but I don’t dare move, too scared to make any sudden movements. Robert goes to the kitchen, then comes back with a scotch on the rocks and lounges in the chair in front of me.

Sitting straighter, I plead, “Please take me home. We can discuss this tomorrow after you’ve had some time to calm down.”

He chuckles darkly, then drinks half the glass. “Don’t you fucking listen? The answer is no. Quit trying to defy me, Gemma. It’s an ugly look for you.”

“I can’t do this,” I tell him, breathlessly. “I can’t do this anymore.”

“This, as in what? The wedding is set for November. You will not fucking embarrass me.”

“There will be no wedding, Robert. Call it off, immediately.” The words tumble out of my mouth, and I can’t stop from saying what I want.

Robert charges toward me. Quickly, I run to my purse and manage to pull out my phone. He chases after me and grabs my hair, pulling me back. My scalp burns from the tug, and I scream out in pain before pushing him away. Angry tears stream down my cheeks as I hurry to the kitchen. I pull a knife from the block and point the blade at him. When I cooked last, it was sharp enough to slice through meat with no issue, so I hope he doesn’t make me use it.

“Don’t you take another step toward me.” I hold it tightly in my grasp, my hand shaking from the adrenaline.

He’s in a blind rage, so my threats don’t faze him. He takes a step, holding out his hands as if he’s surrendering, but I’m not fooled. I try to unlock my phone but fumble. If I can text Everleigh with one hand, maybe she can come get me. Seconds later, Robert rushes after me. The sudden movement startles me, and I drop my phone and the blade.

He grabs me, squeezing my shoulders so hard that I screech. “You need to stop being a selfish bitch, Gemma.”

My phone rings, the high pitch tone nearly pierces my ears. Everleigh’s photo flashes on the screen, and I whisper a little prayer, hoping she won’t give up on getting in touch with me. “I need to answer that.”

Another dark chuckle escapes him.

I try to push away, and he grabs my dress, ripping the thin material of the sleeve from the hem. I look down, then back at him. “If you think we’re getting married, you’re crazier than I thought. The wedding is off, Robert. So do what you have to do to cancel everything.”

My phone rings again. “Over your dead body,” he hisses.

“I told Everleigh that I’m staying at your house tonight, so she knows I’m with you. She won’t stop calling until I pick up,” I force out, needing to place some fear in him. His image means too much, and if Everleigh catches wind of this, the entire town will know what he did to me by the end of the week. My phone buzzes again, and Robert finally lets me go. I eagerly grab it, but he watches my every move as if he’s waiting to pounce if I say the wrong thing.

“You better watch what you fucking tell her,” he seethes, crossing his arms over his broad chest. His shirt is still tucked into his slacks, and the sneer hasn’t vanished from his lips.

“Babe! Everything okay? You sent me a bunch of gibberish in a text,” Everleigh asks as soon as I answer.

Robert picks up the knife, and I’m actually afraid of what he’s capable of doing. The light reflects off the blade as he looks at it, then glances at me. The man I agreed Copyright 2016 - 2024