Needing Happily Ever After - Elena Aitken Page 0,49

voice was low, a little intense, and something about it sparked another shot of desire deep in her gut. “I don’t bite, you know.”

She couldn’t help it; Faith giggled. She giggled.

What the actual fuck?

Whatever was going on, it needed to stop, now. Before it went any further. Because even though there were some serious waves of want rolling through her at that exact moment, and he smelled really good and it had been awhile since she’d—no! This was Logan. Mr. Drives-her-crazy—annoys-the-crap-out-of-her—makes-her-stabby, Logan Langdon. This was not someone she could entertain, not even for a one single second, anything more than friendship. And even that was suspect.

Faith was so busy debating with herself that she hadn’t realized that Logan’s hand now cupped her cheek and somehow, they moved even closer together, until he whispered, his breath hot on her lips, “But I can do this.”

And then his lips were on hers.

And they were hot and soft and moving just right against hers.

And not only did she not want to push him away, she wanted him closer.

Faith knew she shouldn’t be kissing Logan for so many reasons, not the least of which was the fact that they were in the middle of an event. An event that she was responsible for, and making out, even if it was in a dark corner, was completely unprofessional. But despite that logical part of her brain telling her to stop before things got even further out of control, she pressed her body closer to his and groaned into his mouth.

Logan responded by pressing his hand to her back until they were so close there was a real risk that they were going to become one, and deepening the kiss. She could feel every part of him pressed up against the softness of her own body, and there was no doubt that he wanted it just as bad as she did. Maybe more.

The idea excited her, and for a moment, she almost completely lost herself in her own lust.

“Damn, Faith.” Logan broke the kiss to whisper roughly in her ear. “Let’s get out of here. I need to get you alone.”

Yes. Her body was screaming yes in a million ways. She was the type of woman who’d always been in firm control of her sexuality. She knew what she wanted and when she wanted it. And wanting what she wanted had nothing to do with a relationship. Logan was perfect.



Faith put both hands on his chest and pushed him a little so he was still close but no longer pushed up against her, affecting her ability to think straight. She shook her head and touched her fingers to her lips. “No,” she said. “We can’t do this.”

“And why not?” Logan bristled. “Because from what I could tell, you wanted to do it just as much as I did.”

Maybe more. But she didn’t say it out loud.

“Because we’re working,” she hissed. “We can’t act like some randy teenagers at the back of the barn in the middle of a wedding.” Faith moved to look at her clipboard and realized she’d left it in the kitchen. “We have to get set up for the bouquet toss right away and the garter. We can’t just—”

She was interrupted by his hand around her wrist. Logan pulled her close again with a quick tug. Her body still vibrated with the need he’d stirred up in her, and more than anything, she wanted to give in to his kisses and forget the wedding completely. He kissed her hard and fast, sucking her bottom lip between his teeth as he pulled away. “Okay,” he said when he released her. “But this isn’t over.”

She took a step back, needing to pull herself together.

Logan licked his lips and watched her as she straightened her blouse and skirt, an outfit designed to blend in and be professional. “No,” he said slowly, the desire sparking in his eyes. “This is far from over.”

Chapter Thirteen

Katie had never been a vain person. She’d never given her clothing choices a second thought, something that had irritated her mother on more than one occasion over the years. Like when she’d shown up for her parents’ anniversary dinner wearing jeans and a plaid shirt. She’d been running late, and had come straight from the barns, where she’d been shoveling fresh hay into the horses’ stalls. At least she’d put a clean shirt on over her T-shirt. But she had definitely not expected her mom to get so angry. And then there was Copyright 2016 - 2024