Needing Happily Ever After - Elena Aitken Page 0,40

leaving her completely exposed to him.

It was then that Damon realized exactly what she’d been trying to say but couldn’t.

They’d been friends for so long that they knew almost everything about each other. They’d seen everything.


They’d never seen this. They’d never seen the other naked and completely aroused. This was new. Very new.

It was his turn to shake his head in wonder, but only for a moment before he dropped once more to the bed and started kissing her again, this time with nothing to come between them.

Katie’s brain couldn’t keep up but she wasn’t sure she wanted it to. Because what was currently happening, even if it was the craziest thing ever, was a good kind of crazy.

Every time Damon kissed her body, she was sure she was going to completely combust. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to handle much more, but at the same time she wanted as much as she could get, because it couldn’t ever be enough.

His body was hard and lean under her hands as she explored everything about him for the first time. Part of her brain screamed at her: This is Damon. DAMON! Your best friend. But the other part of her brain—the louder, more insistent part—told it to shut up and enjoy.

So that’s what she did. Because there was just so much to enjoy. And when his fingers slipped down her body, between her legs to tease her most sensitive spot before pressing inside her, she was no longer thinking anything at all. The orgasm ripped through her fast and strong, and she screamed out as she rode the wave of pleasure he’d created so easily in her.

When Katie opened her eyes again, Damon was watching her intently. She licked her bottom lip and smiled wickedly before reaching up and pulling him down so his mouth once again met hers in a deep kiss. She sighed into his mouth, but it wasn’t enough. Before long, she wiggled beneath him until he pulled away, just a little.

“Katie, I don’t have a condom.” His eyes were full of regret and so much need that it made her want him even more.

“I’m on the Pill,” she said without hesitation. “It’s fine.”

“You’re sure?”

“Absolutely.” To prove it, she pulled him down closer to her, and a moan escaped his lips.

Damon didn’t need any more invitation, a fact that Katie was more than thankful for. He kissed her again, and right as he pushed himself inside her, she heard him say her name. But she couldn’t be sure, because the only thing she could be sure of was the incredible sensations filling her body as Damon began to move inside her.

She wrapped her legs around him, to pull him in even deeper. She needed him closer somehow. Her hands clawed at his back as he pulled back just enough to look in her eyes. Katie’s first response was to look away, to squeeze her eyes shut against his intensity because…Damon.

“Look at me, Katie.” He’d read her mind. Of course he had. He knew her better than anyone. “Stay with me.” His voice was rough and insistent. “Right here.” His body moved slow, punctuating each word with a thrust. She did as he asked and looked straight up into the familiar eyes that were suddenly completely unfamiliar, but just as compelling.

Katie was no stranger to intimacy, although she hadn’t had many partners. But nothing she’d ever experienced compared to what was happening with Damon. She forced herself to focus on his eyes, which had the effect of intensifying every other sensation through her body until finally her vision clouded as the orgasm built deep within her, starting in her core before forcing itself out in a violent full-body shudder as she came completely undone beneath him.

She was only vaguely aware of Damon taking his own release right along with her before he rolled off her to the side. It was only then she felt the loss of him and their connectedness, but only for a second before he reached over and pulled her up onto his chest where he could hold her tight.

She snuggled into him, breathing in his once familiar scent that was now threaded with the scent of their lovemaking. It was different and for a moment, Katie’s brain wanted to go to a place of panic, to a place of what just happened. And it might have, too, if Damon hadn’t chosen that exact moment to stroke her hair and pull her tighter to him. Copyright 2016 - 2024