Needing Happily Ever After - Elena Aitken Page 0,36

was gruff and full of need.

There were probably a million reasons she shouldn’t be doing what she was doing, but at that moment, she sure as hell couldn’t think of even one. Because she’d been right—Damon did feel the same way. She kept her eyes closed and murmured his name in response.

But when he said her name again, it was no longer with the same gruff need. “Katie.” Her eyes snapped open at the change and all she could see reflected in his was…regret. “Shit, Katie.”

It only took a moment, but her heart squeezed with hurt as Damon picked her up off him and put her to the side. It was only then that she realized they weren’t alone. In fact, they had an audience.

“Hey.” Katie hoped she sounded natural but by the looks on the others’ faces, she wasn’t pulling it off. “What’s up?”

“We were looking for you.” Faith grinned. Next to her, Logan didn’t look quite so pleased. His arms were crossed tightly, his lips pressed together.

“We didn’t mean to interrupt.” Brody chuckled. “And it does look like we were interrupting something.”

“No,” Katie answered quickly. “It’s not like that. I was just—”

“I bailed.” Next to her, Damon had gotten to his feet. “And Katie was just making sure I was okay.”

“Is that right?” Sarah couldn’t help but laugh. “Not like you need to explain it,” she added. “You are getting married, after all. It’s nice to see a couple so in love they can’t keep their hands off each other.”

Katie blushed at her friend’s assessment. If she only knew.

But really, what had just happened? It’s not as if Damon knew anyone would see them. Did he?

She wanted to look at him, but she didn’t trust herself and instead busied herself with her backpack. “Well, as long as you’re not really hurt, Damon.”

“Are you hurt?” Sarah asked. “I am a nurse. If there’s anything—”

“Honestly,” Damon interrupted smoothly, “I’m fine.” He touched his hand to Katie’s shoulder so casually that he probably had no idea the effect it had on her. “Really, my pride is just a little hurt that I bailed in front of Katie is all.”

“It’s fine.” She pulled away smoothly and slipped her backpack on as she walked back to her bike. “Everyone bails.” She forced a lightness into her voice. “It’s all part of the experience. And it makes the beers at the end of the trail even more worth it.” She grabbed up her bike and swung a leg over. “How about I lead this time? Faith, Sarah, Brody—you guys fall in behind me, and Logan, you can bring up the rear.” She vaguely heard Logan grunt in agreement, before she took off down the trail, eager to put some space between her and Damon and whatever had just happened between them.

Chapter Nine

The minute she sat in the vinyl booth at the Knot, Faith could feel every one of her muscles that she hadn’t used in what clearly felt like forever. She rolled her shoulders and sighed loudly. “Who knew that would be so hard?”

Sarah and Brody sat across from her while Logan went up to the bar to get them a jug of beer. Katie and Damon were suspiciously missing. Something about loading up the bikes, but Faith had her own suspicions about the couple. They’d been acting strangely all day, especially after they’d discovered them making out in the bushes. They’d gone from not being able to keep their hands off each other to barely even looking at each other. It was strange to say the least, especially for a couple about to get married.

Not that Faith had any actual idea how a real relationship worked. She’d certainly never had one. And that was exactly the way she liked it.

“That was so fun,” Sarah exclaimed. She clearly wasn’t as sore as Faith. Either that, or the glow of a budding relationship was clouding the aches and pains she’d likely feel later. Sarah looked to Brody, who smiled in agreement.

“That was awesome. I’d totally do that again. I never had mountains growing up in the prairies. This is way better than riding a bike through a grain field.”

Faith laughed as Logan arrived with a jug of beer. It splashed over the edge and onto her hand. She shot him a look, but if he’d noticed, he didn’t say anything as he slid into the booth next to her. His proximity both irritated her and…no. That wasn’t a tingle of excitement that just flashed through Copyright 2016 - 2024