Needing Happily Ever After - Elena Aitken Page 0,28

hard, toned body, Katie knew for a fact that it was going to make her crazy. For whatever reason, maybe it was the kiss…or the other kiss…or…whatever, she had somehow become completely and totally illogically attracted to her best friend. Not that her body cared at all about logic. Not when it came to Damon.

Because whenever Damon laid down next to her under the feather duvet in that king bed, that might as well have been a single for how small it felt with both of them in it, her entire body lit up like a firecracker ready to explode. The only way she could deal with her full-body betrayal was by squeezing her eyes shut and taking deep breaths as she ran through economic theories and calculus functions in her mind while pretending to sleep. She certainly hadn’t gotten much sleep that way, but the extra studying—if you could call it that—would hopefully pay off at her exam.

By the time she left the exam center a few hours later, she felt confident that even with her complete lack of sleep, she’d totally nailed it. The sense of relief she felt as she walked to her car was immense. She’d done it. She was going to get her degree!

And now, with her degree, and Damon’s investment…she was finally going to have her store! Katie didn’t want to dwell on the reason she’d have the funds to start up her shop because if she thought about it too long, it made her feel a little seedy. Not that what she was doing with Damon was wrong. Not really.

Okay, the lie was probably wrong. And maybe taking money in exchange for helping him lie was technically wrong. But it’s not as if Damon were just anyone. He was Damon. He was her best friend. She’d help him out even if there were no money involved, just like she knew he’d help her.

The fact that she couldn’t seem to get him off her mind for completely unrelated reasons was…well…just a thing.

Not that there was any time to either celebrate her achievement or think about the thing. She glanced at the time on her phone.

She was supposed to be meeting Faith and her mother at a bridal store in less than thirty minutes.

Out of the pan and into the fire.

She shook her head with a laugh. Might as well get it done with.

The final exam seemed like a small hurdle compared to what was in front of her: buying a wedding dress.

A few minutes later, Katie found the store and paused before pulling open the heavy glass door and stepping inside. It seemed completely surreal. She was just about to chicken out completely when Faith’s voice rang out.

“Hey. There you are.”

Katie spun around, saved from her thoughts as Faith and her mother joined her in front of the bridal shop. “Sorry we’re a little late. We got a late start.” Faith looked pointedly at her mother, who shrugged.

“What? I wanted to get coffees for the road. You can’t road trip without coffees!”

Katie laughed. “I’m glad you’re turning it into an occasion.”

“Of course we are! It’s not every day my daughter gets married.”

“No.” Katie looked down. “It’s not. Okay, let’s do this.”

“Before we do…” Faith tilted her head up by her chin. “How about a congratulations? You’re done your exams, Katie! That’s huge.”

“How did I forget?” Her mother pulled her into a hug. “I am so proud of you, kiddo. This is turning out to be quite a summer for you.”

Faith eyed her suspiciously. “You okay?”

Before Katie could answer, her mother jumped in. “You definitely have that look.”

“What look?”

“The look of love.” Debbie grinned. “I mean, I didn’t see it at first. Probably because I was just so shocked by the whole thing. But now…well, it’s all I can see.”

Katie looked to Faith for help, but her friend assessed her with a knowing nod. “Yup,” she said. “I see it.”

“You do not!”

“I do,” Faith continued. “A little flushed, a little dazed…I mean, not that I’m very familiar with it. But…it’s there all right.”

Katie dismissed her with a shake of her head. “This wedding business of yours is definitely going to your head. You don’t see anything.”

Faith laughed. “Just like no one saw the two of you actually ending up together? Ha. You weren’t fooling anyone, Katie Langdon.”

Katie did a double take. “What are you talking about?” She looked between her mother and Faith. Her mother had already told her as much, but no one else Copyright 2016 - 2024