Needing Happily Ever After - Elena Aitken Page 0,12

obvious anger pouring off his old friend, Damon couldn’t help but be curious. Had Jeremy become the firefighter he’d always dreamed of becoming? Nobody answered him, but a quick look at the logo on the other man’s T-shirt told him what he needed to know. Glacier Falls Fire Department. Damon felt a flicker of happiness for his old friend, but that flicker was doused quickly when Jeremy spoke again.

“I suppose you were looking for me to tell me about this?” He jabbed a finger in Damon’s direction. “Pretty sudden, don’t you think?” He narrowed his eyes. “After all, it wasn’t that long ago that you were underneath—”

“Careful, Jeremy.” Katie held up a hand. “Careful.”

Jeremy looked as if he might try to say something else, but thankfully he closed his mouth and pressed his lips together. He was mad, sure. And he probably had a right to be. After all, it really wasn’t all that long ago that she had been underneath him. And he under her. Their hookups always were a good time. But that’s all it was—a hookup. A good time. Nothing serious, and they both knew that. Hell, they’d discussed it like grownups a few years ago. They enjoyed each other’s company, definitely. But they were also mature enough to know that it was never going to go anywhere. They weren’t in love.

They never had been.

So they had an understanding.

But looking at Jeremy now, Katie couldn’t help but think that maybe things had changed on his end. Either that or he was just trying to mark his territory. Either way, she did feel bad that he had to find out the way he did.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you myself,” Katie said honestly. “Everything has just happened so fast and—”

“Why?” Jeremy looked between her and Damon. “Why him? After all this time?”

Because he’s my best friend. Because he knows me better than anyone. Because he asked me. Because he needed a favor.

There were so many things she could say in response to the question. Instead, she shrugged. “It’s hard to explain.”

Jeremy shook his head and scoffed. “I guess I should have guessed,” he said after a moment. “You two were always…” He looked to Damon and then back at Katie. “Close.”

Before she could say anything more, Jeremy turned and walked away from them. She wanted to call him back and explain things differently. Or at all. But she couldn’t. What would she say? Instead, she dropped her head and shook it slowly from side to side before Damon wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close.

“Well, you certainly didn’t tell me about that.”

It was obvious he was trying for humor, but something else laced through his voice as well. Katie stiffened in his embrace and pulled away.

“Anything else you need to tell me?” Damon’s eyes were serious.

Yes. There was definitely something going on.

She swallowed hard and glared at him. “You have no—”

“Not here.” He glanced around. They stood in the middle of the busy Main Street. And although no one was watching them yet, or at least not obviously because surely they’d attracted some attention with Jeremy, there was no doubt that if they had a public argument, word would get out.

Katie swallowed hard and nodded her understanding.

Damon slipped his hand in hers and led her the short distance to the Big Rock Inn.

The moment they were behind closed doors in his room, he dropped her hand and spun around to face her. “Jeremy?” It was less of a question and more of an accusation. “You’re sleeping with Jeremy? I thought the two of you had been over since high school.”

She shrugged and walked across the room to the desk where he had a laptop and a pad of paper. “It started up again.”

She wasn’t looking at him, but she could hear Damon sigh. No doubt the lack of details was driving him crazy. Damon was always detail oriented. It’s what made him so damn good at design…and faking engagements.

“Why didn’t you tell me about him?”

“There was nothing to tell.” That was a lie. Obviously there was something to tell.

“So are you guys dating?”

Katie shook her head. “No. Not really.”

“Not really?”

Finally, she turned around. “No, Damon. Not really. We tried it a few years ago, but we’re better as friends.”

“Friends who fuck?”

The force of the word had Katie taking a step back, as if she’d been physically pushed. “Pardon me?” There was no way she’d heard him correctly. Was he really judging her for sleeping with Jeremy? Copyright 2016 - 2024