Needing Arella (Rockers' Legacy #6) - Terri Anne Browning Page 0,39

that killer grin that never failed to make any member of the opposite sex weak in the knees. “Nice to meet you, Sue. Arella has told me so many good things about you over the years.”

He was right about that, at least. I had praised my makeup artist from the first time I’d met her. Sue was the best. She could make the blond wig I had to wear look so natural, and my makeup always transformed me into someone I didn’t even recognize. It was fascinating how a little makeup could make a person look so different when applied in certain ways. Sue had been working in the business since she was eighteen. She was so talented it was kind of scary the way she made me look so unlike my normal self.

Sue blushed, falling for Jordan effortlessly. It wasn’t that I was jealous of Sue. With her gray-kissed blond hair and rounded curves, she was not only decades older than him, but very much not Jordan’s type. Yet it irritated the hell out of me that he was turning on the charm and causing yet more of the female population to fall at his feet in worship. All while declaring himself my boyfriend.

Deciding to ignore him before I got pissed and started an argument with him, I pulled out my new phone and texted Palmer, asking her if she wanted to have lunch with me later.

Palmer: Wish I could. My mother wants to have a meeting.

I gritted my teeth, disliking Veronica Abbot even more. Usually when Palmer’s mom said she wanted to have a meeting, what she meant was she wanted to set up her daughter with some random guy she hoped would cure Palmer of her homosexuality.

Me: Call me later and tell me how that goes. Maybe we can get together this weekend.

Palmer: Defs, bestie. xo

Sue finally stopped gushing over Jordan and came over to do my hair. I sat back, but my stomach started growling, and I wished I’d asked Jordan to stop at my favorite coffee shop on the way to the studio earlier. My stomach felt empty, and the single cup of coffee I’d had back at Jordan’s apartment was not nearly enough to keep me functioning until lunchtime.

Jordan walked over to the makeup chair I was sitting in. Leaning back against the vanity where all Sue’s brushes and makeup were spread out, he crossed his arms over his chest and gave me a long appraisal.

“What?” I asked when he just stood there, watching me.

Sighing heavily, he pulled his phone from his pants pocket and started typing. “Skinny vanilla latte and a vanilla bean scone?”

My stomach growled, making him smirk without lifting his gaze from his screen. “My assistant will be here momentarily with your breakfast. I apologize I didn’t think to stop and feed you on the way.”

“Adam?” The only assistant I knew he had was Adam, who worked with him in Italy. I’d never spoken to the guy personally, but I had heard him in the background a few times whenever Jordan called me from work in the past.

“No,” Jordan told me as he pocketed his phone. “My replacement inherited Adam. I’m not happy that I have to get used to someone else, but so far, Taylor has kept my life pretty organized.”

“Taylor,” I repeated the name, trying to sit still so Sue could do her job without pulling me bald in the process, while also attempting to keep the sudden flare of jealousy out of my voice and off my face. That name was too unisex for me to know if it was a woman or a man. “You’ve been home like two minutes. When did you hire a new assistant?”

“I didn’t. My mother did it for me.” His phone buzzed with a new text, and he pulled it out. “I have a meeting in an hour or so for a potential project I want to work on, so she was on her way.” He lifted his gaze from the screen. “They are out of vanilla bean scones. Blueberry muffin?”

“Just the coffee is fine.” I turned my attention to my own phone in hopes of keeping my emotions out of my expression.

“You need to eat. Do you want a muffin or a breakfast sandwich?” When I kept my mouth closed, he growled something under his breath. “She’ll get both. I don’t want you to skip meals.”

While he went back to texting Taylor, I rolled my eyes. Sue saw the action in Copyright 2016 - 2024