Naughty Tales Collection - KL Donn Page 0,37

as I turn around.

Wrapping the material around my fist, I stalk towards her. Her eyes glued firmly to my hand as I crawl on the bed behind her.

“Don’t move.” I utter as I bend over her back and wrap the silk around her face to cover her eyes. Blocking one of her senses has her lungs drawing in more air, making her breathe deeper.

Goosebumps ripple along her flesh as I slowly kiss my way down her back, nipping the tiny dimple just above her delicious ass. Palming the globes in my hand, I spread her cheeks apart, revealing the one spot on her body I haven’t taken yet.

“Tell me yes,” I whisper, blowing on her puckered hole.

“Yes, Colter.” Her hands fist the sheets as I rise, grabbing hold of my aching cock and gently bring it to the heat of her pussy. Allowing her natural essence to lubricate my cock and help ease my way inside her tight ass.

Her back arches, she sighs, and my dick pulses. Impatient for the treat it’s about to get.

Placing the head against her tiny rosebud, I slowly forge my way inside. “Relax Oaklynn.” I instruct her. The tenser she is, the more it will hurt. “Slow breaths.”

When she does as I say, I push in a little more until finally the tight ring of muscles gives and her heat surrounds me.

“Holy fuck.” I groan. The unexpected forbiddenness of the act is almost unbearable. She’s more than I anticipated.

Draping my body over hers, I rub my hands along her arms until I reach her hands. Intertwining our fingers, I slowly begin to move my hips. Thrusting in and out in time with the rise and fall of her chest eases the pressure building inside our bodies.

Until I can’t take it anymore.

Until I need more.

Rough. Hard. Pounding.

I need her cries. Her moans. Her screams.

I need Oaklynn begging for me to give her the pleasure we both crave.

“Colter,” she whines as my hips move faster, harder.

“Scream for me, Oaklynn.” I growl as I reach back and push her legs down so she’s lying flat on the bed.

“Fuck.” I hiss. The move tightened her up and I can barely breathe.

Sweat coats our bodies as we ignite into an inferno of euphoric pleasure and complete bliss.

“Come for me, baby.”

“Oh God.” Her body is shivering from a mix of pleasure and pain and I can feel my seed getting ready to explode.

Oaklynn screams her release just as I pull free and release all over back. I quake and quiver with each rope of cum to stream across her flesh until I have nothing left to release.

Dropping down beside her spent body, a small smile on her face, I begin to rub my essence into her body. Along her back, across her ass cheeks, in between them and finally, I push her legs open and spread it along her sweet cunt, pushing my fingers inside her tight channel and massaging her.

“Mmmm. I didn’t think I would like it so much.” She says as I take the blindfold off her eyes.

“Oh I knew I would.” I wink at her and she blushes. “Come on, let’s get cleaned up and see if the roads are cleared. We can go get your stuff.”

A flash of concern crosses her feature before she smiles and nods.

Chapter Eight


I’m sure I’m walking funny. I have to be. After what Colter did to me, I should be. The arrogant man grins every time I look over at him until we’re finally in front of my parent’s house. I know dad is going to kick up a fuss about Colter and me. Especially moving in together so soon.

But I love him.

I want to spend the rest of my life showing him that.

“Can’t marry me if you aren’t breathing, Oaklynn.” Colter laughs as he jumps out of his truck, slamming the door behind him.

It takes a minute before his words register and the air is knocked from my lungs. Who the hell can breathe with a proposal like that?

“What did you say?” I breathe out when he opens my door.

“If you plan to say I do, you have to be alive. So breathe.” He has a funny way of asking me things.

“Yes.” I say.

“Didn’t ask you a question, baby. Just giving you the facts.”

“You mean, you weren’t going to give me a choice?” I say as he helps me down.

“Nope. Not after I’ve spent the last two days inside your body. You’re mine, nothing is going to change that.” I’m speechless. Copyright 2016 - 2024