Naughty Tales Collection - KL Donn Page 0,31

prove his point.

“Now, little ball of fluff,” taking her from my arms, Colter holds her up to examine her. “She looks like a Shepard.” She begins to wiggle in his hold, trying to lick his face. “A vet exam will confirm that. How about Marble?”

My nose scrunches and when his gaze wanders to me, he raises a brow in question. “Marble? Like the toy?”

“Marble like the design. Because she’s so many shades of brown, she looks like a marble.” His grin and wink are adorable.

“I like it. She almost looks like marble cake.” Her head tilts to the side and it’s almost as if she understood the reference. “Marble,” I whisper and run my hand through her soft fir. “Could I get her a bowl of water?” I almost forgot where we were for a moment and my shyness begins to return.

Putting Marble on the floor, he stands and grabs my hand, pulling me to my feet. We’re so close I can feel the heat emanating from his body as he stares down at me. “Anything you want, Oaklynn,” his hand brushes the damp hair back from my face, “and it’s yours.”

I get the feeling he means more than the bowl of water. Nodding my head, I feel uncertain about the look in his eyes and rush to the kitchen for the water. His footsteps can be heard retreating down the hallway and Marble padding along behind him.

Taking a deep breath, I’m reminded of my wet clothes as I open cupboard after cupboard before finding a large enough bowl for the dog. After filling it, I place the bowl on the ground in the kitchen for her to find when she comes back in.

“Here,” startled by the close proximity of Colter’s voice, I jump, and he grabs my hips from behind, pulling me back into his chest. I can feel his strong heart beating against my shoulder. Every puff of air as he exhales. And when he gently slides a hand down my arm, across my quivering belly and whispers in my ear, “you need to change into this,” before placing a long shirt in my hand and backing away, I can’t help but feeling disappointed that he doesn’t try for more.

Chapter Three


Her breath hitched and for a moment, I felt her holding her breath. She would have accepted an advance and fuck did I want to take it. But I don’t want her feeling like she’s obligated to give me something she may not be ready for.

I know Oaklynn is a virgin. She’s never dated. Hasn’t been kissed. And I’m willing to bet she hasn’t even held hands with a boy.

How I think she’ll be ready for a full-grown man like me, is delusional, but I just don’t fucking care. I want her and there isn’t much besides her outright refusal that will stop me from keeping her. Oaklynn is such a contradiction to everything I know about women and I think that’s why I’m so attracted to her.

Yes, she’s gorgeous with her long dark hair, wide bright blue eyes, thick and plump pink lips with the constant blush when I stare at her a little too long. But she’s also intelligent, compassionate, and kind to everyone she meets. Even when they don’t deserve it.

Oaklynn is the exact kind of woman I’ve been searching my entire adult life for and now that I’ve finally got her all to myself, I intend on showing her just what a life with me will be like.

“Do you need help?” She’s still staring down at the shirt I handed her as I lean back against the table, crossing one leg over the other and placing my hands on the heavy wood.

Rotating her body leisurely, I don’t expect her answer. “Yes.” Swallowing the shocked lump in my throat, I don’t hesitate to move forward.

Taking the material from her hands, I place it on the counter, trapping her between me and the surface as I reach for the hem of her top. Damp from the snow still, I draw it up her body, exposing her soft flesh as I go.

“You’re going to have to lift up.” I tell her when I’ve reached just below her breasts, not yet showing more than her flat stomach, quivering from nerves.

Gradually her arms rise, and I follow with the shirt, stopping to stare when it’s revealed she’s not wearing a bra.

“Son of a bitch.” I hiss. Mouth watering for a taste of her perky nipples. I need to feel Copyright 2016 - 2024