Naughty Neighbor - Lauren Runow Page 0,80

one. Turns out, his sister was right. The books were an inside peek into what he’d already known. Your past might have hurt you, but it also built you.”

“Then, why didn’t he come back home?”

He stands before me, and I tilt my head up as he gently explains, “It wasn’t to be cruel. It was because it’s what she needed. She doesn’t need a man coming into her life and telling her what she wants. She deserves a man who will let her figure out what she desires on her own.”

My heart leaps, and I bite my lip to control my smile. “She desires him. Enough to get all gussied up in a gold dress and do her hair and makeup because she knows he likes the way she looks in that dress.”

“He has inappropriate dreams about her in that dress.”

“Can we please stop talking in third person?” I ask.

He grins. “Under one condition. Tell me what happens after she professes her love to him.”

“He tells her he loves her right back. And then he comes home.”


“Yes, Jake?”

“I love you right back.”

I smile. “Thank God. Because I’m never doing this kind of thing ever again.”

His hands snake around my waist as he pulls me in for a kiss. “Fuck that. Your boyfriend is a romantic, the center of your universe. I expect bells and whistles all the time.”

I grip his hair and yank him closer. “Maybe.”

He leans back, keeping the kiss from my lips.

I relent. “Always.”

“Better,” he whispers against my lips, pressing into them.

We kiss in a flower shop in the heart of Chicago. We kiss in front of a couple who probably doesn’t know what to do with themselves right now. And we kiss for the first time in what will be a very long and devastatingly beautiful love story.

Except this story will never, ever end.


This past year has been an absolute whirlwind. After the release of The Artist, my sales skyrocketed to levels I hadn’t known were possible. I signed the contract with Winston Arms, and the third and final book in my newest series just released.

It’s been interesting, not having complete control of the releases like I did in the past, but the publisher has given me opportunities to reach readers outside of my initial fan base. My back catalog sales have tripled, and I’m closing out the year with the best income I’ve ever had. Plus, my readers, who have been true supporters from the beginning, are beyond happy with the new books. That is the best reward.

Oh, and I made the New York Times Best Seller List so that didn’t suck.

“You weren’t kidding when you said you needed help,” Jake says as he carries another box of books over to my table at the book signing we’re doing.

“Our girl is a ticketed author now.” Charisse nudges me as I grin and sign a paperback for a reader.

Yes, I have both Charisse and Jake assisting me today at the Wisconsin Romance Event. And, yes, I’m a ticketed author. There might be fifty authors at the signing, but two other authors and I have been flagged as hot-ticket authors. I’ve had readers form lines to see me but never so many that they needed a ticket. It’s a bit surreal.

“Why do they need a ticket again?” he asks as he takes a spot next to me.

“Do you see how long this line is? You get a ticket with a number, and when they call your group, you can get in line,” Charisse explains.

I glance around the room, seeing the people waiting in line just to meet me. I can’t believe it.

I’m so happy to have my two favorite people by my side. With over two hundred preorders and the other hundreds of books I brought, I knew I’d need as much help as possible. We have an assembly line going, where Charisse takes the new orders and Jake finds the preorders.

My life has become everything I ever wanted. I have my dream career, my dream best friend, and even more, my dream boyfriend.

“I’d gladly take a ticket for a minute with this one.” Jake kisses my head.

A pretty woman with brightly colored hair steps up to my table with the biggest smile on her face as she grips three of my books close to her chest. “I’m so excited to meet you, Lacey,” she says.

“Hi! I’m just as excited to meet you. What’s your name?”

She sets her books down, so I can see the name tag she Copyright 2016 - 2024