Naughty Neighbor - Lauren Runow Page 0,64

day’s work. Tonight, he’s standing at the door in a pair of navy pants, a crisp white button-up, and that damn grin I’ve become addicted to.

It doesn’t hurt he has a bottle of wine in his hand too.

I wrap my arms around him and pull him into my apartment with my lips on top of his.

“This is quite the greeting,” he says.

“I finished today.”

He yanks his head back. “Seriously? That’s awesome. Looks like I should swap this baby out for a bottle of champagne.”

“Not yet. I just sent the chapters to my agent, Wendy. I’m trying not to be nervous, but I can’t help it. This book means a ton to my career. I also really love the story. It’s my favorite I’ve ever written, and I’m afraid she’ll tell me to edit something or that she doesn’t like the ending, but I really don’t want to change a thing. Where normally I’m up to people’s suggestions, this one I want to leave just as I originally wrote it.”

“I’m sure it’s brilliant.”

He leans down and kisses me again, taking it deeper than our first one. The bottle somehow finds its way to the counter because, now, his hands are on my ass, lifting me up so I can wrap my legs around his waist. As he walks me back to my room, I unbutton his shirt and look forward to some naked celebration time.

I’m sprawled out on the bed, my knees parted, as he settles himself between me and does that hips-rocking thing that drives me wild. My kisses are desperate, but he pulls away and stares down at me. There’s a twinkle in his eye, and his mouth is upturned in tender admiration.

“I love you,” he says.

Wait. What?

My heart stops.

Did he just drop the L-bomb?

I take a deep breath … and then another. I’m blinking at him, waiting for him to take it back but he doesn’t. He’s just staring at me. That smile fades, but he’s still looking at me in a sweet way.

Am I supposed to say it back?

Yes, that’s the polite thing to do.

No one wants to be left hanging when they declare their love for someone. I’m supposed to be feeling something too. Either butterflies in my stomach or tears streaming down my face. I could just get naked. That seems like an appropriate response. I’ll do that, and then we can bypass this little lip slip until it’s appropriate to discuss.

My phone rings, and answering it is an even better idea. Now. Right now.

I roll out of his arms so fast I’m surprised I didn’t fall off the bed. “Hello?” I say, sounding out of breath.

“We’re downstairs!” Charisse yells into the receiver.

I push the button to let them in and then glance at Jake, not sure what just happened and glad that I was saved by the bell—literally.

“Charisse and Melody are here.” I put my phone back down on the nightstand. He lifts his arm as I move to the edge and stand up, fixing my clothes and smoothing down my hair. “It’s our girls’ night in. I forgot about it. Shoot. I don’t even have anything in my cabinets.”

He stands up and runs his hands up and down my arms. “Don’t stress. I’m the master party guy. I have food and plenty of cider for us to serve.”

“You’re staying?” I pinch my brows, not sure what to think.

He gives me the sweetest grin. “Yeah. I want to meet your friends.”

“But it’s girls’ night in.” I bite my lower lip.

“Aren’t they a couple?


“Aren’t we a couple?”

“Yes. But you’re a boy.”

“A man,” he corrects me in a very serious tone, and it makes me laugh.

I close my eyes, overwhelmed for all the wrong reasons. “No, you’re right. I want you to officially meet my friends.” There’s a knock at the door. “That’s them. Looks like we’re making it couples’ night in.”

He takes my hand in his and tilts his head toward the entry way. “Let’s go greet your friends.”

I open the door, and I put on a fake smile, greeting my friends. “Hey, come in.”

“Jake!” they both announce in unison when they see him by my side.

Clearly, they’re surprised he’s here.

“Jake, you met Charisse, but this is her wife, Melody.” I point to Melody.

“It’s nice to meet you.” They shake hands before Jake asks, “Where’s this beautiful daughter I’ve heard so much about?”

They both smile and each hold up a bottle of wine.

“She’s with Grandma! We’re here to relax and have the night off,” Charisse Copyright 2016 - 2024