Naughty Neighbor - Lauren Runow Page 0,34

know you more than just physically phase of the relationship. I have no idea what to have them do next.

Maybe I’m just tired. Plus, I stink from the adrenaline. I need to regroup.

In the shower, I try to think about my story line. Some ideas come to me, but they’re not solid. I can picture a good scene, yet I don’t know how to get there. I can’t figure out how it will play into the story. Everything that’s coming to me is fluff, and there’s no meat there. No angst. No grit. No panic of the heart from wondering, Will they or won’t they be together?

After my shower, I make myself some coffee—only because if I open wine I know I won’t get anything done—and sit back down, pulling my laptop up to me. I read over what I wrote, as that sometimes sparks some ideas. When I get to the end of the last scene, I still have nothing.

The knock at the door stirs me from my seat. There’s only one person who knocks without having to be buzzed in first, and that man just so happens to be someone I was hoping not to face today. At least, not yet. I still need time to process the state of our friendship.

As I walk to the door, I pray it’s not awkward.

When I open it, I see Jake standing in the hallway. My heart instantly starts to pitter-patter just from the sight of him, but I push it aside. Friends don’t make friends’ hearts go pitter-patter.

“Hi,” I say.

Tiny lines crinkle the sides of his eyes as he smirks. “Hey.”

The first thing I look at is that cocky mouth. Hot damn. Then, I gaze at his hands. Man hands. And of course, there’s that chest. I really need to get out of the house more often.

There’s a pause between us, and I’m afraid it’s going to get weird. It was a sinfully delicious kiss, but it was just a kiss. We’re adults. Heck, we’re even friends. We can move on like mature adult friends. Right?

Thankfully, he speaks up again, “You never posted the video.”

I laugh out loud. “Are you looking for your fifteen seconds of fame?”

“Hey, I’m just here to support your career in any way I can. If I have to kiss you a thousand times so you sell books, then count me in. I want to be friends with a famous person.”

“Are you just using me for my fame?” I feign shocked.

“Absolutely. When they make a movie of your book, I’m going to be on the red carpet. I look really good in a tux.”

“Well, since the fate of the world seeing you in a tux is on the line, then I suppose I could post the video. Just for you though.” I grin in his direction as I walk away to grab my phone. He enters my apartment behind me. “Do you have social media? I can tag you.”

“I have Facebook, which I don’t use often. I get why you like it though. It’s a great way to interact with your readers. I’m sure they love it.”

“I’ve made some great friends on the amazing World Wide Web.”

I upload the video while neither of us says a word.

When I post it, I glance back up at him, and he grins.

“Are you hungry? I was just about to head out for something to eat. Want to join me?”

I take a deep breath in and nod my head. “You know what? An early dinner sounds like a great idea. Just give me twenty minutes.”

His face lights up when I say yes, but I try not to read into it. Dinner with a friend might help clear my head right now with work and set us back on the right track in our relationship.

I do a quick blowout of my hair and add some makeup. Taking a cue from his jeans and button-down, I slide on a pair of ripped jeans, a sleeveless tank, and ballet flats, grabbing a light jacket before we exit my apartment together.

We head down the street to an Italian place that I love. It’s super casual with counter-style ordering. I select the ravioli while he peruses the menu for a while before deciding on a sausage sandwich. With a bottle of Chianti, we grab a seat on their patio outside.

As he pours my glass, he asks, “So, how’s the book coming along?”

“Really well actually.”

“Glad to hear it.”

“What about you? No hot date lined up tonight?”

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