Naughty Neighbor - Lauren Runow Page 0,21

just the cure for whatever is bugging that little head of yours.” He takes his apron off and places it behind the counter. “You remember my friend I told you about who owns that art studio? There’s a class tonight, and I can get us in.”

My thoughts go blank for a moment before revving back up and processing what he said. “You want us to paint each other?”

“Yeah. It would be great research for your book, and if you like it, you can write about it.”

With a deep exhale, I take a step back. “I don’t know. That seems so intimate.”

“I don’t mind.” He sounds so casual. “It could be fun, and I promise to be a gentleman. It’s a public class, so it’s not like we’ll be naked or anything.”

I sway my head from side to side as I take in his proposal. I’ve never, ever done something like this. Hanging out with a risk-taker like Jake could be good for my writer’s soul. Plus, I’m desperate for more of the writing mojo he gave me last night.

I toss my hands up in the air and declare, “Sure, let’s do it. Experiencing it will totally help me write it more clearly. Okay, I’m in.”

Jake’s face lights up as he checks his watch. “The class is at eight, so if you hang out a bit while I lock up, we can drive there together.”

He heads to the front and locks the door before starting his closing procedure. I take my time in walking around, checking out each flower and breathing in the beauty that nature provides.

When I turn around to ask Jake about a certain flower, I catch him staring at me. He doesn’t try to hide it either. The way his eyes are intensely on mine makes me redden, and I quickly turn away, not sure how to handle the feeling it causes inside me.

Chapter Seven

The art studio is located on the second floor of a warehouse on the industrial side of town. It’s a loft with giant black-paned windows, which are covered with a sheer material to keep the sunlight in but the onlookers out. Metal beams run along the ceiling, and the floor is concrete with varying shades of gray.

“Jake Moreau!” A guy with a long beard, wearing jeans with paint smeared all over, walks up to us, and the two slap hands. “I was surprised when you said you could make it.”

“It was a spontaneous decision. That, and I had to find the right partner.” Jake lays a hand on the small of my back. “Rex, meet Lacey.”

“Pleasure to meet you,” I say, shaking his paint-coated hand. “Not much privacy though, huh?”

Rex lets out a barking laugh. “Don’t worry. This is as conservative or risqué as you’d like to make it. We request no nudity though. Keep all the bits covered up.”

I’m relieved at his words and also kind of intrigued. Having someone paint me totally naked sounds amazingly sexy.

“I bet you make a killing here around Valentine’s Day,” I say.

Rex thumbs over at Jake. “I keep telling this guy we need to work together. Flowers and painting obviously go hand in hand.”

“Nah. My father is old school. He likes to keep the shop running the way my grandparents did and their parents before them.” Jake puts the attention back on me, moving his hands to my shoulders and giving them a rub. Maybe I’m super stressed, but it feels really, really good. “Now, where this fits even better is in Lacey’s books. I’m hoping she might get some inspiration. I’m just here for the ride to help this one.”

“I’m certain this place will inspire you. Follow me. We’ll get you guys set up.”

Rex leads us through the room of about ten couples, each spread out throughout the loft. We stop at a table in the corner with a tarp on the ground in front of it and two plastic folding chairs facing each other.

“So, who’s getting painted on, and who’s doing the painting?”

Jake sticks his hands in his pockets and rocks on his heels.

I back away from the tarp and say, “I need to be able to focus for the research.”

“Yeah, but don’t you also need to know what it feels like to be painted? Like, from the girl’s point of view?” Jake suggests.

Rex laughs, ushering us to take our seats. “Choice is yours, but a lot of our couples like to paint each other. You can paint the whole body or just a portion. Copyright 2016 - 2024