Naughty All Night - Jennifer Bernard Page 0,26

to the lease. But I’m not going to.”

Uh oh. He saw a loophole there he didn’t like. “Then we should both sign a new lease that says you can’t evict me. I don’t want you changing your mind on me.”

She lifted one eyebrow. “Trusting, aren’t you?”

“I’m a trust-but-verify kind of guy. And I’d like a real lease. It can be short-term if you like.”

“Are you considering moving out?”

“Depends on how much noise my upstairs neighbor makes. The rug should help. On the other hand, that particular rug could lead to a lot more noise.”

She pulled a face and jammed her hands into her back pockets. “No need to worry about that. The other night’s close call was enough to teach me my lesson.”

He folded his arms across his chest. “Are you talking about us?”

“There was no ‘us,’” she said firmly. “That’s the other thing we should talk about. Let’s agree the other night didn’t happen.”

“What didn’t happen? Are you referring to the part that didn’t happen or the part that did happen?”

She blinked at him, bringing his attention to the brilliant dark fire of her eyes. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

When he started to explain, she lifted her hand to stop him. “It’s okay. We don’t need to relive it. None of it happened.”

He eyed her curiously. “What are you so worried about? Even if we had slept together, it’s no one’s business. We’re both single.” It occurred to him that he didn’t know that for sure. “At least, I am.”

“That’s not the issue,” she said, irritated. “Of course I’m single. I’m as single as can be.”

“I didn’t know there were degrees of single.”

“Well, there are.” She ticked off a list on her fingers. “There’s single but looking for a mate. There’s technically single but committed to one person. There’s happily single. Miserably single. Single but still having lots of sex.” She gestured at the rug as she mentioned that one. “Single but may never have sex again. Think of it as a spectrum.”

“Hmm.” Tired of standing, he crouched down next to the rug and rested one forearm on his thigh. “Interesting breakdown. Where do you land on that spectrum?”

She followed his lead and sat crosslegged on the carpet. “Maybe you should answer that question first.”

He shrugged. “Is there a spot on that spectrum for a twice-divorced, never-again kind of guy?”

Her eyes widened. “Two divorces? Okay, you might have me beat.”

“You’ve been divorced too?”

“No. Never been married. But I haven’t had sex in two years, so there’s that.”

He whistled slowly. Apparently they were letting everything out in this conversation.

“Any particular reason why?”

“Many reasons why, and many reasons not to tell you why. For instance, we just met. And I’m now your landlady. That’s why I’m talking about all this, because I want to make sure we understand each other perfectly. Even though we’re both single, nothing like that night is going to happen again.”

Was it his imagination, or was she going out of her way to insist on that? He hadn’t initiated anything last night. She had. Maybe she should give this little lecture to herself.

“So the other night…”

“Was the closest I’ve come in two years.” She smiled ruefully. “And I came away with a bruise on my head, a massive hangover, and a fuzzy memory. I’m taking it as a sign that I shouldn’t try that again.”

He had to admit, he found her decision disappointing. They had some pretty great chemistry, and he enjoyed talking to her. She had a funny way of stating things and a fast-paced style that kept him on his toes. She was also gorgeous to watch, the way expressions flitted across her face and an occasional dimple appeared an inch below her mouth, to the right, almost on her chin.

Sometimes he almost lost track of what she was saying because he found the play of her expressions so absorbing.

Maybe this wasn’t her final decision. There might be a way to change her mind. He could be patient.

Assuming he wanted anything to do with his new landlady, who seemed like big trouble. He didn’t need to get burned again. The last remnants of his formerly romantic heart couldn’t take it.

“When you say fuzzy memory…”

“Well.” Her right eye twitched. He wondered if that was a tell. “I know I was coming onto you. Flirting with you. Just so you know, I didn’t really mean it. I was pretty buzzed and uh…confusing things with a book I’d just read.”

Under his skeptical gaze, she maintained an expression of Copyright 2016 - 2024