In Name Only (Pine Falls #2) - Jennifer Peel Page 0,93

in them. Which wasn’t to say he had vanquished them forever—I knew how PTSD worked and that there wasn’t a cure, per se—but it was clear he was learning to cope. It was good to see some peace back in his eyes.

Ariana stood with her ukulele, ready to regale us with her annual blessing song. I could already tell she was going to get choked up by it. This past year had been a big one for her in so many good ways.

“No laughing.” She eyed her brothers at our table.

“No promises,” they shouted back in unison.

Dean and Sabine shook their heads at their incorrigible sons.

Ariana ignored them and strummed a couple of chords. “It’s that time of year again, where we gather to be thankful. This year we have been much blessed. To start we have grown. Seeds of love we have sown. Welcome my husband, Jonah, and my daughter, Whitney,” her voice broke. “Your love has filled me. To Dean and Sabine, you have been a dream. Sebastian and Max, I’m only spouting the facts. You are the best brothers, but sometimes I want to smother ya.”

Max and Sebastian laughed loudly, holding their midsections.

Ariana looked in our direction. “There is one more husband we have added to the crew. Brock, it’s about time you finally had some sense and got off the fence. I know this year has been intense, but are we ever glad for your presence. May you and your wife live a long, happy life.”

Brock wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and I leaned into him, feeling safe and warm. A long, happy life together sounded good. Easier said than done, I knew, but I was feeling hopeful.

Ariana continued on. “And how could we forget the Brit who lights up our Kinsley’s world.”

I sneaked a peek at Brant, who kept his head down. Poor guy. But it was better this way. Kinsley didn’t deserve the wrath of the Copelands.

“We are so glad you both decided to give it a whirl.”

Tristan kissed Kinsley, making her blush. It was adorable.

“Then there is Brant, who is making all the political heads twirl. We know you won’t leave it to fate. Come next November, it will be checkmate.”

Brant tugged on his collar and looked at Brock and me as if begging for some relief. If only we could give him some. If only I could have warned Ariana about Brant’s plans. Though I wasn’t even sure of all of them. Still, I knew by the anguish in his eyes that his dreams were all but gone. I hoped my own eyes conveyed how much I appreciated his sacrifice and how much I wished I could make it all better.

Ariana moved on. “To the best mates a girl could ask for, Dani and Kins,” she choked out. “There was only us before the hims. I know this year has been a rough one, but together we will always be the tough ones. I will always love you tons.” She turned to our grandparents. “No blessing song would be complete without Sam and Kaye, without whom there would be no bright days. Grandma and Grandpa, thank you for giving us your all. Now let us eat before I stall.” Ariana strung her last chord and bowed.

We all clapped for her. Her brothers gave her a standing ovation. Whitney ran to her best friend and mommy, as she called her, and threw her arms around her. Ariana placed the sweet girl on her lap, and there she stayed. It was all Ariana ever wanted—to love and be loved. It was all that all of us had ever wanted.

Brock must have noticed my longing gaze and the way I held my empty womb. He whispered in my ear, “Someday our daughter will sit on your lap.”

My misty eyes met his. There was so much hope in those words I could scarcely believe them. “I think you’re getting ahead of yourself.”

“I don’t think I’ve been going fast enough,” he responded without a second a thought.

“Brock,” I whispered.

He kissed my lips and lingered there for a few brief seconds, willing me to feel how much he loved me. Making me realize that with every kiss we had ever shared, he’d been trying to tell me what his lips were saying now.

“Please—” Brock began to say intimately as if we were alone.

“Not to be rude,” Max interrupted Brock, “but we get enough PDA around our sister and Jonah.”

Brant and Sebastian chuckled as we broke apart and Copyright 2016 - 2024