In Name Only (Pine Falls #2) - Jennifer Peel Page 0,67

were identical twins, their countenances were different. Brant’s had always been more lighthearted and mischievous, until this past year. Now he wore an expression of stoicism and regret. A sentenced man. His punishment was to live life with a woman he didn’t love.

He held my hand against his cheek. “Dani, I’m sorry I hurt you. All of us.” He turned toward his brother. “Brock, I do love Dani, but it’s not like you think, nor is it like the love you have for her. I never wanted to stand in the way of you two, and I’m sorry that I have. I’m sorry for all of it.” This time he fell into my arms. It was my turn to comfort him.

I stared at Brock while I held his brother, who was still murmuring his apologies.

Brock was leaning against the closed door, his eyes fixed on us, but there was no ire in them. In fact, he wore a similar look to Brant’s. One that spoke of regret. Did he regret me? Did it matter? I knew we were over, and that played a part in the unfillable void that had enveloped me. Brock didn’t say a word. Didn’t step closer. Just carefully watched.

After a few moments, Brant leaned away and captured my attention. “Dani, I’ll do whatever it takes to protect you from my father and Edward.” The color drained from his face when he mentioned his future father-in-law. “I had no idea our father had threatened you.”

“What hold does Edward have on your dad?”

He shook his head. “I don’t know. Dad said the less I know, the better. But it’s enough.”

His words sent a chill down my spine. “Enough what?”

“Enough for me to . . .” He couldn’t or wouldn’t finish his thought.

“Enough for you to marry Jill?”

He gave me a sad smile. “Don’t worry about me, Dani. You heal.”

Heal? “I don’t know if that’s possible.”

He took my hand and squeezed it. “I’ve never known anyone stronger than you. You’ve beaten incredible odds in your life. You’ll beat this too.” He tilted his head. “You don’t have to do it alone, though.”

I looked up to the steel beam ceiling. “I am alone,” I stammered.

“No you’re not,” Brock and Brant spoke in unison.

I looked between the men. My men, as I used to refer to them. It was all so screwed up now.

Brock took a step closer but maintained his distance. I think I frightened him. Or perhaps it was my unpleasant aroma.

Brant, on the other hand, drew me in for a long hug. “I’m here for you,” he whispered in my ear.

I sank against him. “I won’t put you in danger.”

He let out a long sigh. “Don’t worry about me.”

I could hear the trepidation in his voice. It was enough to put the fear of God in me. “I am worried about you. I will keep our secret.” My silence was all I had to offer him.

He pulled back, and relief and sorrow washed over his face. “Dani, I don’t expect you to. I . . . I wouldn’t ask for myself, but for your protection and for . . .”

“Jill?” I rankled.

“No. Someone much more precious to me.”

My eyes widened. “Kinsley,” I whispered.

He kissed my cheek without a word, giving me all the answer I needed. He stood and peered down at me. “I am sorry, Dani. If you need me, I will walk through whatever hell I have to, to be there for you. Just say the word.”

That meant more to me than he would ever know. But . . . “I won’t let you suffer because of me.”

“I’m afraid suffering is inevitable, but it will never be because of you.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure. I seem to have a knack for it,” my voice cracked. I didn’t dare look at Brock, but from the corner of my eye I could tell he’d moved closer to the bed.

Brant tipped my chin up with his finger, making sure his eyes could penetrate my own. “The only suffering you’ve ever caused is from you being so damn irresistible.” He smiled. “But it’s the best suffering any of us who are lucky enough to know you have ever endured.”

My lip twitched.

“I can’t wait for the day we all get to see you really smile again. It’s been far too long.”

“The same could be said for you.”

His finger dropped and he shrugged. “At least I knew what I was signing up for.”

“Did you really?”

“You should get some rest.” He was quick Copyright 2016 - 2024