In Name Only (Pine Falls #2) - Jennifer Peel Page 0,51

at all. But still. I can get my own dates.”

“We know that. You’re a beautiful woman. We just thought a little hot foreign fling might cheer you up.” Ariana nudged Kinsley.

Kinsley rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe you two, but . . . if I have to sit next to him during dinner, I suppose it wouldn’t be so bad.”

We all laughed.

Brock popped into the sexy, sleek, state-of-the-art kitchen with black steel appliances and steel countertops. Kinsley didn’t find it very functional since it was quite narrow, but it looked pretty.

“Do you need any help?” he asked me.

“Would you mind taking the lasagna to the table?”

“Sure thing.” He kissed my lips, putting on a good show for all our guests, before carefully picking up the lasagna with some hot pads.

Once Brock was out of earshot, Ariana quietly commented, “Looks like you two are figuring it out. You both seem happier.”

I was glad everyone thought so. Things were better between us, as in we were such good actors, we kept up the act even when no one was around. It made it easier when we were in public. We were kind of like an old married couple who had settled into a routine. Most nights we ate a quiet dinner together and talked about our days, mostly work related. Since he was only working part time, some of his days were spent at Holland Industries or working in his dad’s workshop. Apparently, he was making my Christmas present. Which was probably more for show than anything. Once dinner was over and we cleaned up, we would retire to the couch, where I would catch up on emails and he would read. When it was time to go to bed, he would chastely kiss me. No parting of lips, no lingering, only a peck. Somehow, we had come to an unspoken agreement between us that we would never have a physical relationship.

“Yeah, we are,” I responded. We were figuring out how to live half a life. I wondered how long it could go on before my soul died. Pretend love was worse than no love. However, I was buying time. I had started training Erin on every aspect of Children to Love, and I had decided to use the credit card Brock gave me for any of my expenses. I had been hesitant when he’d offered, but then decided to use it so I could save every bit of my meager salary just in case I had to disappear. I had also been studying up on remote areas in foreign countries, somewhere Edward and John wouldn’t be able to find me. I couldn’t believe I was thinking like this. Though what choice did I have? Eventually, things would go sour between Brock and me. I didn’t see Brock living in a loveless marriage for eternity. I didn’t see him loving my baby.

“We knew you would.” Ariana grabbed her salad and headed toward the dining room.

I soldiered on with my fake happy wife attitude and arranged the freshly baked breadsticks in a basket. Their heavenly aroma at least gave me something to look forward to, and the way Kinsley smiled while dreamily looking at her date for the night did too. I vowed to see Kinsley happy. I wouldn’t leave until she was. Just like that first day when we had been thrown together and sent to a new home. I had claimed her then and there as my sister. I had promised I would make it all okay for her. With my last breath, I would. I only prayed she never found out how I had betrayed her. I touched my stomach. I would never forgive myself.

I walked down the steps into the sunken dining room that was enveloped in windows. During the day, the mountain view from those windows was breathtaking. Even now, at night, with the candles burning low on the table, the candlelight reflecting against the night-shrouded windows added a special ambience. Still, it all felt like I was playing house in Barbie’s dream home. The decorated table was worthy of Martha Stewart, or at least I had followed Martha’s instructions on how to properly set and decorate a table for dinner guests. Sheridan had told me that one thing she wished she’d known at the beginning of her marriage was how to set a proper table when entertaining. So, I bought burlap place mats, gold chargers, and candleholders, and ordered greenery and white roses that graced the table. Copyright 2016 - 2024